The Ministers of Industry and Agriculture, Emad Hob Allah and Abbas Mortada, highlighted during a meeting held at the Gardenia Gran Dor Complex in Zahle, at the invitation of the President of the Group of Industrialists in the Bekaa Nicola Abu Faisal, “Supporting the productive sectors in the Bekaa, especially the agri-food sector, and working to combat smuggling and illegal crossings. “
Mortada pointed out in a speech that “in a government that faces challenges, we have plans, points of view and ideas, and we are determined in the government to transform the economy from a rentier economy to a productive economy, and this problem is not achieved quickly, but it needs work and time, and during this stage we begin to achieve. ” Next week, we will launch maternal fields for all fruit trees in the Agricultural Research Service, and for two months we have been testing, and all the seedlings we import from abroad have their origin in our land. “
He considered that “the most important thing about this is that we will be able to export these seedlings abroad and we will work to ensure local fruits throughout the year.”
He also noted that “today, the Ministry of Agriculture is permitting land in Lebanon, and we will introduce a bill to impose a £ 1,000 tax on every dunum not grown in Lebanon, to encourage agriculture, and all people are invited to join forces between the public and private sectors, hoping to free up industrial funds. To develop factories. “
On the subject of Indian hemp, he noted that “it has become an effective law, and we are waiting for the formation of the regulatory body for this sector, which I called gold for the people of Bekaa, and the economic viability of this sector is easy and simple. , and we are working today in coordination with scientists in Lebanon to cross the seedlings of Indian hemp, so that it does not happen. Import it from abroad, because it costs 3 dollars, while we are working to bring the cost to 0.60 cents per plant, if it occurs in Lebanon. “
He said: “We encourage drug manufacturing in Lebanon, and we are working on hybridizing cannabis seedlings so that the drug is only 0.030.”
He stressed that “there are great hopes and plans in the government to achieve the objectives in the next year, and we have 110 hectares that need reforms and we will work with the green project on that.”
He explained that “in light of the Corona crisis, we suffered a major setback, and the first and last concern today is for the Lebanese consumer, and we are working to ensure the best types of food at good prices and also of good quality.” He explained that “Lebanon, despite all its land, imports vegetables from abroad” and asked industrialists to “expand their factories to encourage farmers.”
For her part, the love of God said: “After today we will not be satisfied that Bekaa is marginalized and facilitated, nor that Beqaa is deprived of her right, but our decision is decisive and firm through government policy. that the state is fair to all its children. “
He continued: “The government and through the economic and financial plan that I launched will work to reconsider dealing with the people of Bekaa by strengthening the presence of state institutions throughout Bekaa, from service ministries and development and development projects, and establishing a leaf roadmap for dealing with Bekaa and its people, according to a clear development vision and precise directions Because we believe this is clear when the state sponsors taking over all of Lebanon, and when the state cannot take care of it, Lebanon cannot provide its food and social security. Based on all this and because the Bekaa Valley was a race in the position of its industry for a long time, we came today to confirm, as we emphasize in Mount Lebanon, South and Walsh we are careful to support this vital sector and head with all the causes of prosperity. From here and within the framework of our plan that we launched to support the in industry and development, and also launched the previous call for banks to meet their commitments in support of the industry, we repeat today called the sight of industrialists Bakaian and Msamahm. “
He added: “We as a government are determined to implement the economic and financial recovery plan. The plan, which translates in part to our aspirations to give Lebanese industries the right to care and care that it also ensures through Arab markets open from Syria through Jordan and Iraq and from them to Arab and Gulf countries, within the framework of Arab markets integrated and open to each other. The Bekaa was the race to establish the tributaries of the industry and provide the country all the reasons for prosperity, hence the goal of developing the industry by developing increased production and exports, entering into future plans and studies, increasing exports and securing markets.Dida secured a package of incentives, assistance and industry sponsorship through bills, and that was what Minister Abbas Mortada spoke about during this meeting. Again, he asked the banks to deliver on their promises to industrialists, “because every dollar that is not given to industrialists will cost us $ 4 to import from abroad, and we are making efforts to stabilize and secure the incubation environment and seek new industrial areas, and when we ask industrial investments. In the countryside, the intention was to move away from the capital and to encourage industry in the new areas, for the benefit of rural areas. “
God’s love concluded: “Our promise and promise to industrialists that the title of our battle continues to be the protection of industry and that we are their voice to restore together the stolen position of this vital sector which, as I always emphasize, will be the backbone of Lebanon’s economy, and industry will once again be the productive economic face of Lebanon. “
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