More than 200 corona cases in Lebanon Central Prison


More than 200 corona cases in Lebanon Central Prison


Roumieh Central Prison, Lebanon

Today, Thursday, the Crisis Cell of the Lebanese Medical Association announced that more than 200 cases of coronavirus have been registered in the Central Prison of Roumieh.

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The cell, headed by the head of the Doctors’ Union, Professor Sharaf Abu Sharaf, and in the presence of the General Secretary of the Lebanese Red Cross, George Kettaneh, and several doctors, listened to the health official of the Roumieh prison, who confirmed that “the prison administration took all necessary precautions, in coordination with the World Health Organization and the Ministry of Health.” And the Prison Medical Care Committee established by the Medical Association.

He revealed that “there are more than 200 confirmed cases of corona infection within the central prison, but the main problem lies in the lack of cooperation of the inmates with the health administration in the prison, and in the failure to comply with the necessary sanitary measures, considering that it is a serious matter, since this ordeal can only be overcome and overcome “. In cooperation between the patient and the medical team that treats and applies preventive measures, otherwise the infection will spread and affect everyone. “

On the other hand, the Crisis Cell praised the maneuver of the Lebanese Minister of Justice, Marie-Claude Najm, to discuss the special amnesty project with the President of the Republic, Michel Aoun, which would help reduce overcrowding in prisons and thus reducing the risk of transmission of Corona infection.

It should be noted that the number of people infected with the virus in Lebanon reached 26083 cases, while the total number of deaths reached 259.

Source: National Information Agency
