More than 10% of positive tests in Lebanon: Phalanges


The municipality of Haql Al-Azima, in the district of Denniyeh, did not wait for the launch of the electronic platform of Disaster Risk Management, whose mission will be to determine the areas to isolate and close, since its president, Jean Daoud, decided yesterday to quarantine the town for a period of 14 days “after the increase in the number of people infected with Coronavirus and the number of contacts with them or the suspects were injured.” The municipality decided to ban city curfews and social events, established store opening hours and required their owners to put up barriers at the entrances. The Municipal Police, in coordination with the Crisis Cell, was in charge of monitoring the implementation of the decision “under penalty of judicial prosecution.”

The ministerial commission to monitor the file of the Corona epidemic headed by the interim Prime Minister Hassan Diab decided, days ago, to adopt the criterion of the number of wounded in the Lebanese regions in relation to the number of population «(…) determine the villages, towns and neighborhoods that should be closed and isolated for a period of 14 days. That these areas are disclosed according to the online platform that will be launched by the Disaster Risk Management Unit of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers in coordination with the Ministries of Health and the Interior, while the areas that will be subject to the decision of closure and isolation will have a period of two days to ensure the needs of its residents.

While these decisions have yet to be implemented, it appears that many towns will follow the lead of the Campo de Determination municipality, with the virus spreading further in various regions. In the Danniyeh district, for example, 35 injuries were registered yesterday, following the results of examinations of contacts and suspected of being infected, the highest number recorded in the district since the first injury was registered in it on March 23 . The judicial doctor Basma Al-Shaarani warned of a “health disaster that will affect the region”, while the head of the Union of Municipalities of Al-Danniyyah, Muhammad Saadia, confirmed that “the number of injured is much higher than announced , and what was announced is the number of injured who we were able to carry out the tests, “explaining that” the epidemic has not spread and the situation is no longer under control (…) There are no longer beds in the hospitals for receiving patients, emergency teams can barely answer calls, and we need to declare a health emergency and more than an emergency device to help, and before and after that many are convinced that there is a virus spreading between us and that we must face it and overcome it. About him before he kills us. “
These problems are not “unique” to the Miniyeh district after the intensive care bed occupancy rate in Lebanon surpassed 60% with the number of injured in need of intensive care increasing to 167, and their condition is critical, while the total number of hospitalized wounded reached 533, as announced by the Ministry of Health. Yesterday, after 1,257 injuries were recorded (1,245 residents and 12 expatriates), six deaths were announced (total deaths reached 367).
As for the most dangerous indicator, it is still related to the high rate of positive local examinations, since yesterday it reached 10.4% (the World Health Organization recommends that the rate not exceed 5% in a period of 14 consecutive days ).
Attention was drawn to the fact that the head of the health department and member of the crisis cell in the Al-Daniya Municipal Union, Dr. Muhammad Salma, warned about the difficulty of carrying out controls on the wounded or close and suspicious contacts in charge of the Ministry of Health, which will be in charge in the next stage, due to the difficulty of securing the necessary equipment for this, and the disability of most of the people. The region conducts tests on its own due to their high cost ”, which raises a discussion related to the capacity of the ministry in the next phase to fulfill requests for tests under its responsibility.

Source: News
