Minister of Health: We presented a recommendation a month ago for a two-week lockdown, and the decision is made by the Council of Ministers


Acting Government Minister of Public Health Dr. Hamad Hassan inspected the Deir Al-Ahmar Medical Center, examined its facilities and capabilities, and gave his observations and instructions for the opening of a department for Corona patients.

Hassan spoke and said: “Despite all the anxiety, fear and tension our societies are experiencing, I thank Bishop Hanna Rahma for his good feelings, and I tell him that we are all children of this region, our message is always love, tolerance and integration, and this is the bright image of Baalbek-Hermel and Lebanon, and we can overcome the circumstances that We experience it when we have spiritual references such as the Archbishop, or political references such as His Excellency Deputy Antoine Habashi, and whatever you prefer In terms of responsible words, let us all bear the responsibility and take the initiative, because the peak that we have reached with the spread of the epidemic is not the tactic of work, and we exceed the capacity of any country in the world, but we can return Collect the issue and not let it get worse, and protect society needs spiritual and political care, government, municipal, community and media care s, and we blame the institutions, associations and non-governmental organizations, and we reproach them for the measure of our love for them, and here we record that they did not act as required up to now on the issue of the port explosion. “

And he added: “Today we are not the majority of all the countries in the world, but we look at them and take constant scientific and field data. Logic and science are what force us to make our decisions, and they are not improvisational decisions, so when there is a risk of spread and we have 6 percent of people, their result showed that they were people infected with Corona and recovered without know, these people may have transmitted the infection and this is a very dangerous matter and requires dealing with greater responsibility, and today we see Corona kidnapping the lives of young people because sometimes there is some delay or recklessness of people and even some of those infected with the virus, people should watch. The catastrophic scenario that we saw in Europe, and we hope that we will not see it in Lebanon. We have dealt with comprehensive national responsibility from the beginning. Today we find ourselves in a very dangerous situation and we have approached the catastrophic scenario. We all suffer and do not sleep to secure a bed for a patient in intensive care. By treating us responsibly, losses can be reduced. And to stop the epidemiological deterioration that is taking place, there must be hope and security, and we must treat in different ways, in Europe there are countries that have tended to close, and some countries have converted all closed sports halls and public halls into MEDA hospitals . An intention for Corona because the number of injured exceeded the capacity of the hospitals, and in Lebanon, unfortunately, there are some hospitals that do not respond to our call to open Corona departments, and today in Deir al-Ahmar we see that they took the initiative to fulfill our call to help open the medical center to confront Corona, which is responsible abuse, and they quickly responded to the call of the MP. Habashi, Archbishop Rahma and the director of the center must meet the needs of the people by opening their doors to protect the people and they have a great responsibility. “

He asked that “responsible treatment be complementary between us, and that our society recognizes that we are in danger and we make courageous decisions at the government level. Today no one scores at the expense of anyone. There are cases where no family is found in intensive care. There is this matter. to take it seriously. ” And yesterday I contacted the Prime Minister, Dr. Hassan Diab, and we discussed that a decision must be made at the national level, because the experience of the partial closure was an excellent experiment in its objective, to respond to the concerns of the people not to close not at all, but unfortunately so far it is not encouraging, due to the lack of People responded, and we say to the people: We cannot force them and put guard for all citizens. Hope remains and bets on reason and logic and the sense of responsibility of all people, and our commitment to our society and its conscience is a successful bet, provided that everyone’s invitation is to assume responsibility, then we achieve the goal desired and achieve. To security. “

Hassan concluded: “A month ago we raised a recommendation as a scientific committee in the Ministry of Public Health to close for a period of two weeks, and it was clear that we, as a government and as a state, especially after the port explosion, were unable to implement it, and the results were disastrous. The issue of the closure must be taken up, either partial or general, within 24 hours. Tomorrow morning there is a meeting of the scientific committee, and the Crown committee will meet tomorrow at noon, to present recommendations to the national ministerial committee, which in turn will raise the recommendation for decision making.We have to raise our voice for absolute security and the decision is made by the Council of Ministers.

In response to a question about the drug crisis, he said: “On the subject of medicine, we also talk about responsibility and patriotism, and at the same time we are walking with the judiciary, supervisory agencies and pharmacy inspections, And things are gradually improving, and there has been disparity in the delivery of medicines from some warehouses, agents or importers, And there is improvement, but some bet on time, and I tell them not to bet on time, be it me or someone plus the Minister of Health. The methodology is the same. What is required is to protect people and punish all those who are left behind and risk people’s health by withholding drugs from patients who need them most.

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