Minister of Health: The drug subsidy plan will continue until the end of the year


Minister of Health: The drug subsidy plan will continue until the end of the year

The Governor of the North, Judge Ramzi Nohra, received in his office in Saraya Tripoli, the Minister of Public Health of the interim government, Dr. Hamad Hassan, accompanied by his adviser, Dr. Edmond Abboud, the Head of the Department of Hospitals and Dispensaries from the Ministry, Dr. Hisham Fawaz, Director of the Government Hospital in Tripoli, Nasser Adra.

Hassan and Nahra presented the latest developments on the issue of the epidemic outbreak, in Tripoli, in the presence of the president of the Federation of Al-Fayhaa Municipalities Hassan Ghamrawi, mayor of the municipality of Qalamoun Talal Dunker, secretary of the Chamber of Management of Disasters and Crisis in the Northern District Commissioner Ifaman Al-Rafie District Commissioner of Rabbi, District Commissioner of Rabbi North Dr. Jamal Abdo, head of department in the Kurdish province of Luqman, Red Cross official in the north, Roger Pavitos , Deputy Representative of the High Commissioner for Refugees in Lebanon, UNHCR Emmanuel Geniak, Head of the Protection Department of UNHCR Euron Brandful, and several directors of government and private hospitals in the North that receive patients from Corona.

Subsequently, an extended meeting was held in the “Al-Istiqlal” room in Al-Saraya, during which they discussed how to limit the spread of the Corona virus in Tripoli and other northern districts, and the measures taken to treat and prevent the spread of the epidemic.

In a press conference held after the meeting, the minister thanked the governor, Nahara, for his “kindness and follow-up to limit the spread of the Corona virus in Tripoli and the entire north, as well as to help municipalities and governmental and international organizations that they take care of helping Corona patients. ” He stressed that “the health situation in Tripoli and in all Lebanese regions is delicate and needs full awareness on the part of all citizens, and it is the duty of the State to protect society with its health security”, hoping that “society respond to the instructions of the Ministry of Health and adhere to the use of masks, hygiene and instructions issued by the government. “

He stressed that “integration between the public and private sectors is necessary, and contributes to slowing the spread of the epidemic, and said:” I thank the governor, Nohra, for organizing this meeting and inviting all influential actors on the subject Corona, and I thank the private and government hospitals for supporting their families, fulfilling their responsibilities and willingness. Increase the provision, especially in terms of intensive care beds and regular beds to receive Corona patients, and we thank the uncr that stands by the needy regions in light of the economic situation and the financial crisis that Lebanon is going through , and I want to thank the initiatives of some hospital directors, especially the government, who put forward proposals to convert a hospital for Corona patients and us. We will support them, as private or government hospitals were and continue to be basic pillars of the Lebanese health system. “

He also thanked “the Lebanese Red Cross, the main partner for the treatment of the sick, and I ask our people of the north to take the matter seriously, and I say to anyone who doubts or underestimates the issue of the epidemic of the Crown, which is not easy and there are many injured and unfortunately there are a number of deaths, from here I ask that measures be taken “. Precautionary and preventive measures are taken seriously. All the mobilization and emergency laws are not important, we also take the measures very seriously, and we must be responsible for the lives of our loved ones and not transmit contagion to them ”.

He continued: “Raising awareness is important, and our northern people are responsible and concerned about the health of their people, and we support them in various ways. The moment of truth has come and we must be firm and participate in the confrontation.”

In response to a question, he said: “The plan that we elaborated in the ministry on supporting drugs will continue until the end of this year, and I believe that with the formation of the new government there will be a lot of time to reconsider some hasty decisions that terrorize people with their health safety for the permits that I think should be reconsidered. ” “There is a re-examination and responsibility for it, and we will not allow there to be a game in the price of drugs or the lack of availability of some necessary drugs in the drug market.”

He concluded: “We have formed a committee in the Ministry of Public Health composed of a series of specialists who stand out for their success and skill in medical laboratories, and the Union of Medical Laboratories has appointed a president for this committee, and despite this Exam results are still in question, but there is effort and extensive scrutiny in this field, so it must be done. ” We do not get carried away by rumors or offensive propaganda, and yes, there may be a wrong examination of the 800 successful exams, and we all need to follow up and not get carried away by inaccurate speech and show the bad image, and if there is any error in test results, the matter returns to the patient’s condition.

In turn, Nahra praised every work and effort made by Minister Hassan, describing him as one of “the most successful ministers in government, beginning with restoring healthy trust between the state and citizens, and following every little thing on the ground. and starter “. And he said: “Everyone is supposed to adhere to preventive measures, from Putting on masks, public hygiene and social distancing, and we, the municipalities, official departments and internal security forces are taking all measures to protect citizens, and We are all working to educate people and force them to follow the instructions and instructions of the Ministry of Public Health to limit the spread of the dangerous Corona virus, which began to multiply and spread in Tripoli and some northern regions “and we hope. That this epidemic does not get out of control, therefore we must not keep at the same pace, in which we were previously, and we ask everyone to adhere to and follow the health instructions, and we follow up with His Excellency the Minister to all field matters, and he responds with us with everything we ask of him and never falls short. Tripoli, or with any northern region. “

He added: “It is necessary for every injured person to adhere to quarantine, and we emphasize and demand full compliance, and we will be attentive to all offenders and repress anyone who poses a danger to society as a whole.”

He concluded: “The Ministry of Health provides all the support to the Operations Room in Disaster Management, and we are in permanent contact with His Excellency, and one last word for the Secretariat: The Ministry of Health has performed very well, and thank you His Excellency the Minister for his efforts and his tireless follow-up on this issue, which is very dangerous for people’s lives ”.

At the end of the tour, Minister Al-Hassan handed over 10,000 masks to the governor, Nahra, to distribute to the municipalities of the cities of Al-Fayhaa, and immediately the president of the Federation of Al-Fayhaa Municipalities, Hassan Ghamrawi, delivered the contents of the truck for distribution to the four municipalities: Tripoli, Baddamo-Mina, Al-Qawi.
