Minister of Health: Ensuring medicines for all strata of society …


The Minister of Health in the interim government, Hamad Hassan, affirmed that “obtaining medicines is a sacred right”, stressing that it is the duty of the State to take all measures to guarantee this right.

Hassan said in a joint press conference with the president of the General Union of Workers, Bechara Al Asmar, that “medicine must be insured for all strata of society, and I focus on the segment in which we must all cooperate to assure them in the light of the conditions we suffer and I am predisposed towards the poor. “

He continued: “We insist that there be no additional taxes for this class of people,” noting that “raising the prices of some university hospitals that made a unilateral decision to raise the exchange rate was considered immature and what they did could not be approved” .

The Health Minister indicated that “government hospitals contain social groups that are at the center of our concerns,” and called on private hospitals to “stand with us in the same goal, and we, with the General Union of Workers, are interested in the rights of workers “.

Al-Asmar: stop raising subsidies

For his part, the president of the General Union of Workers asked for the lifting of subsidies to cease, noting that “the lifting of subsidies means the end of social security and the guaranteeing institutions in general.”

Al-Asmar said: “We are on the brink of more disasters if the treatments are not enough, and we cannot afford to increase the dollar in hospitals to 3,900 pounds, and cooperation with the Minister of Health is required.”

Al-Asmar requested the support of the hospitals in this stage to be able to fulfill their functions, highlighting the need for hospitals to receive their fees on a regular basis, especially the salaries and rights of their workers.

Al-Asmar said: “We need cooperation within drug and hospital policy, and there was an agreement on the need for our participation in all meetings dealing with workers and people with limited income, because we are facing a drug crisis before raise prices. “

LebanonHamad hassan

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