Minister of Health: As a permanent recommendation of the ministry, it should be closed


Minister of Health: As a permanent recommendation of the ministry, it should be closed

Public Health Minister Hamad Hassan visited Tal Shiha hospital in Zahle, where he was received by Archbishop of Ferzol, Zahle and Bekaa, by Melkite Roman Catholics, Archbishop Essam Yohanna Darwish, hospital administration, medical staff , nursing and hospital logistics, the head of the health department of private and government hospitals and Dr. Gketta Zalaa. From Zahle and Beirut.

Hassan, accompanied by Archbishop Darwish and assistants, toured the first floor that the hospital administration intends to assign to treat Corona patients, and the necessary and necessary needs for medical equipment, sterilization equipment, drugs were discussed. and clothing for doctors, nurses and nurses. Minister Hamad also visited the laboratory for the corona exams and saw the work flow, the devices used and the results. Appreciation exams for the work team.

Bishop Darwish delivered a welcoming address to the Minister of Public Health, in which he said: “Today in Zahle we are very happy and especially at Tal Shiha Hospital to receive the Minister of Public Health, dear friend Dr. Hamad Hassan.

This visit comes at a sacred moment, the moment of the Prophet’s birth, so I address through you to His Excellency the Minister and to fellow Muslims and Christians alike with fraternal greetings on this blessed feast, and I wish that all Lebanese come out of our economic crises and the Coronavirus crisis together.

On this occasion, I want to address all the Muslim brothers in the Arab world and in the whole world, we are with them, and we will clasp our hands in their hands to overcome all the persecution that afflicts Christians and Muslims throughout the world. Hand in hand, we will achieve peace in the world together, and this is an occasion to ask that we expand. In Lebanon there is a range of cooperation and a range of brotherhood and dialogue to consolidate civil peace.

Once again, I thank His Excellency the Minister for visiting with his generous colleagues, and I appreciate what he has done in this ministry so that the Ministry of Health becomes a hive to work with.

I thank you on behalf of all Lebanese hospitals and all patients facing the threat from the crown. “

On the other hand, the Minister thanked Bishop Darwish for the reception and gave a speech in which he referred to the health situation in light of the Corona pandemic, and said: “I send my sincere greetings to His Excellency Mr. Issam Youhanna Darwish and the administrative team and the medical, nursing and logistical staff of Tal Shiha Hospital, this ancient building that has always been I remember that since my childhood, from Hermel to the confines of Al-Qaraoun, Tal Shiha Hospital opened its arms to receive to citizens of all sects and sects, and this is our hope for you.

What you are presenting today, the Bishop, we see it in many countries, London has transformed all public hallways and closed playgrounds into field hospitals, this positive step by opening the Corona department at Tal Shiha Hospital is a responsible step that expresses this faith and this tolerant, loving and compassionate religion with the human being. I go back to history and remember, with His Excellency the Archbishop, my first job in the presidency of the municipality of Baalbek, the patronage of His Excellency Bishop Darwish, the dinner in support of the establishment of Maryam Square, peace be upon her, at Baalbek, and the message His Eminence addressed to Muslims today. What is true and clear is what preserves the human being and is integrated with our determination and perseverance to protect their health, and our dignity, religion, dedication and our coexistence continue to be the image that should be reflected in all the countries of the world.

Today we held a press conference at the Ministry of Public Health and we conducted a financial, in-kind and logistical examination of all the donations that were made and how to distribute them mainly to public and private hospitals as possible. Go back and confirm, we are together, on the one hand, the public health sector and the private health sector after we hit the red zone and crossed the red line. This generous gesture should circulate to all private hospitals in all Lebanese regions, and its message, God willing, is valid. “

In response to a question about the possibility of closing the country after the number of people infected with the Coronavirus has increased in a record way and on a large scale, Minister Hassan said: “Usually the Ministry of Health makes a scientific recommendation to the National Committee of the Crown. Yesterday I contacted Prime Minister Hassan Diab, the government situation today is unstable, and that is why the decision The closure is the decision of all the ministries in which they have responsibility (the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Social Affairs …) how to support and protect citizens, how people face difficult circumstances with a general closure, so as a permanent recommendation of the Ministry of Public Health, the closure should be done, but even partially The closure, we hope that be it serious, not just media, this offends us and hurts the morale of citizens ”.

On the decision to open schools amid an increase in the number of injured with the injury registry in them, and on the role of the Ministry of Health in monitoring schools, Minister Hassan said: “When there are certain injuries, we take the number of contacts and trace their contact with people, and I think there is a lot of interpretation, weighing, interpretation and analysis. There is a recommendation from the World Health Organization and UNICEF that children should go to school, but this issue still needs scientific evidence for us to have the courage to call for completion or additional measures to protect generations.

After Tal Shiha Hospital, Hassan moved, accompanied by Archbishop Darwish, to the Archdiocese of Our Lady of Liberation, where they were received by Representatives George Aqis, Salim Aoun, Assem Araji and Muhammad Qaraawi, Bishops Boulos Safar and Nevin Seikaly, Mayor of Marj Munawar al-Jaresrah and several guests.

Accompanied by Archbishop Darwish, he toured the departments of the Archdiocese, expressing his admiration for what he saw of the renewal of its dissemination in various fields, especially the electronic library that will be launched soon, which is unique in Lebanon and the East.

At the end of the visit, Bishop Darwish hosted a luncheon in honor of the Minister of Health.
