Mike Pence … the guardian of the constitution and the savior of American institutions


Pence emphasized Trump’s belief in the United States Constitution, not in violating it (Wayne McNamee / Getty)

Typically, vice presidents in the United States are integrated with presidents, either by the nature of party affiliation, by shared chemistry, or by exploiting the position of “vice president” to become president. The history after World War II (1939-1945) is a testament to this, and Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, and George HW Bush were among the most prominent players in this regard. However, there is always a first time, and it is not strange that this is at the end of the term of the loser US President Donald Trump, with his deputy, Mike Pence, leaving his shadows, rejecting the coup against the results of the presidential elections. held on November 3, and highlighting the need to adhere to the Constitution of the United States and recognize the victory of President-elect Joe Biden. American history will record that on January 6, 2021, when Trump wanted to kill himself politically on the walls of the Capitol, the seat of Congress, Pence was saving American constitutional institutions from the worst situation since the attacks of September 11, 2001. At critical times, such as The Final Moments Before the Congressional Session to Approve Biden’s Victory for the Presidency, Pence’s role emerged in unprecedented fashion. In light of Trump’s incitement of his supporters to go to Congress and then assault him, and the deaths and injuries that ensued, Pence did not want to back down from the violence, adhering to the constitution, despite successive criticism from Trump toward him, which caused some of his supporters to shout during the takeover of Congress: “Where’s Mike?” Penny? “Others called to” hang it up. “This chaotic last Wednesday in Washington summed up all the contrasts and divisions of Trump and Pence. The former has not seen a similar president in the United States and will not see him, at least in the near future, and the second showed his adherence to the American system as a traditional conservative who was not shaken by Trump’s populism. In practice, we can go back to the presidential election day of last November and the day after. The first day, after As the results of the field vote were released, Trump announced his victory and announced a second term, after which the results of the votes received in the mail began to appear, and Trump’s progress faded with him. On the second day, Trump took to the media with a grim and sad face clinging to his victory, but Pence was calmer, thanking the “60 million voters” who elected. Trump and Pence, not to mention any future legal battles.

Trump failed to reassure Pence and his family while in Congress

The distinction began to solidify between the two men: Trump launched several legal campaigns to reverse the election results, in exchange for Pence’s silence, punctuated by renewed thanks to voters at each media appearance. With Trump losing all his legal papers, especially his allegations of election fraud, he has only two cards left: Pence and the public. On Tuesday night, Pence came under intense pressure from Trump to cancel the election results, during a meeting that lasted hours in the Oval Office. A well-informed source told CNN that Trump blocked the vice president’s chief of staff, Mark Short, from entering the west wing, and even warned Pence repeatedly of “veiled threats” and that he would face major political consequences if he refused to cooperate. “The message was very clear,” the source said. After the meeting, Trump was clear that Pence would not match him in the internal coup, so he spurred his followers to flock to the capital on Wednesday. Then came the confrontation in Congress. Trump was content to call his followers to pledge to peace and then return home without forgetting this day. In return, Pence took action, speaking by phone with Acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller and urging that the National Guard respond more quickly to deploy to Washington, following widespread frustration among lawmakers over the lack of response. Knowing that during the chaos in Congress, Trump never called to verify the safety of Pence, who was with his wife Karen and daughter Charlotte on Capitol Hill. A source close to Pence told CNN that Trump and senior White House officials have made no effort to ensure the presence of Pence and members of his family within Congress. The source asked: “Was he (Trump) in any way concerned that the angry crowd that ordered him to march on Capitol Hill might harm the Vice President or his family?” Those close to Pence believe they are making him a “scapegoat” to blame within Trump’s circle after he refused to heed the president’s demands. Although he had the support of many Republicans, including Lindsay Graham and Ted Cruz, with the exception of members of the Democratic Party, Pence refused to support the impeachment of Trump in accordance with Article 25 of the Constitution, maintaining a balanced distance between the two parties on the one hand and affirming their respect for the constitution on the other. Pence wasn’t satisfied with that, but a source close to him said he plans to attend Biden’s inauguration on January 20. However, he has not yet been officially invited, noting that his daughter Charlotte congratulated Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris the day before yesterday, Thursday.

Trump supporters shouted during the congressional storm: “Where’s Mike Pence?”

In an interview with the Wall Street Journal, Republican adviser Alex Conant said: “The root of the problem is that Pence was among the most loyal to Trump for the past four years, so his future was tied to him.” The newspaper reported that “Pence was loyal to Trump until his last breath, but at the end of the day he was an institutional man and a believer in the constitution.” He added that Pence expressed his disappointment with Trump to Oklahoma Republican Senator Jim Inhoff. “After everything I’ve done to him, fight me,” he said. In this, Pence refers to his defense of Trump in the Russian investigations and the attempt to isolate him and the Corona archive, which are the main stations that have printed the Trump term. Einhoff said it was “the first time I ever found Pence angry.” On the other hand, “Business Insider” revealed that Pence told Trump before the start of Congress that “my oath to support and defend the Constitution prevents me from demanding unilateral authority to determine the electoral votes that should be counted and which ones should not.” Here Trump got mad at Pence and replied, “I don’t want to be your friend, I want you to be vice president.” In turn, the ABC website quoted former Pence spokesman John Thompson as saying that “Pence was satisfied with Trump”, adding that “he was a loyal person, and Trump was asking him to break the law and act outside. of their constitutional duties. ” The critical point Pence said: I’ve had enough.
