Middle East: Government contracts move from exchanges to name disputes …


Sources close to Prime Minister Saad Hariri told the Al-Sharq Al-Awsat newspaper that there is no specific date for President General Michel Aoun’s visit yet, but that it can be implemented at any time, noting that matters are done directly and exclusively between Presidents Aoun and Hariri.

The newspaper noted that previous contacts had ruled that the members of the government were decided by 18 ministers, taking into account the principle of portfolio rotation, with the exception of the “financial” portfolio, which was deducted from the participation of the Shiite duo represented by “Amal Movement” and “Hezbollah” and the two appointed the minister who would take over the portfolio. After that, the discussion went into the names, especially the names of the two ministers who would assume the internal and energy portfolios, according to sources accompanying the government formation process close to the “March 8” forces said.

The sources said that one of the agreements forces Presidents Aoun and Hariri to agree on the name of the Interior Minister, which was not achieved, given that the two presidents do not intersect on a name, emphasizing that the last node It is no longer the knot of distributing bags among the sects, but has become a complex of names.

The sources of the “Shiite duo” said that the Amal movement and Hezbollah are “reluctant to intervene” and “are tracking the events that are taking place”, noting that the speaker of parliament, Nabih Berri, is pushing for a government quickly because the economic situation and urgent health and financial records cannot tolerate delays. . He said that Berri in the previous stage played the role of zawiya through the efforts he had made so that Hariri was not prompted to apologize to prevent access to a ruling crisis, stressing that “this means that what is required is that the authorship does not prolong the trial of urgent files “.
