Microsoft will launch its Windows 10X developer system for laptops


Microsoft will launch its Windows 10X developer system for laptops


Microsoft confirmed on Monday that it intends to refocus the Windows 10x operating system to include single-screen devices.

“The world is a completely different place than it was last October, when we shared our vision for a new class of dual-screen Windows devices,” said (Panos Banai), Head of Windows and Hardware at Microsoft. He added: “We designed (Windows 10X) flexibly, and this flexibility allowed us to refocus our focus on single-screen devices (Windows 10X), which harness the power of the cloud to help our customers work, learn, and play in new ways. ways. “

Microsoft has not set a date to support single-screen devices, such as Windows 10X laptops, nor a date to operate dual-screen devices on the system, however, Banai has confirmed that single-screen devices will be the first to use. the system. He said, “We will continue to search for the right time, in cooperation with our (OEM) partners, to launch dual screen devices on the market.”

Microsoft is believed to have reorganized its priorities for Windows 10x and focused on single-screen computers due to the emerging coronary virus pandemic (COVID-19), especially after the company experienced a 75% increase, year-over-year. , at a time when Windows 10 is spending more people turning to PCs rather than smartphones or tablets for work or study during closings in most countries of the world.

It is noteworthy that the system (Windows 10X), which was initially aimed at dual-screen devices such as (Surface Neo) Surface Neo, provides a simple and modern interface. Microsoft is updating the system with some changes to the user interface to support multitasking and quick access to settings.

Microsoft is expected to announce more details about the system and hardware it is working to develop later in May at the annual developer conference, Build.
