Microsoft warns of malware threatening phones and computers around the world.


Microsoft warns of malware threatening phones and computers around the world.

Reuters AA

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Microsoft experts have warned about the spread of malware that could threaten the privacy of devices and browsers used by millions of users around the world.

Microsoft experts noted that between May and August of this year, they discovered hundreds of thousands of infections with the Adrozek malware worldwide, which controlled the browsers of more than 30,000 users every day.

The danger of this software, according to experts, is that it can penetrate the data of famous browsers such as Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and others, and direct the users of these browsers to unreliable sites through which they control the data from your browsers and devices via malware.

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Adrozek malware causes malicious programs to activate on users’ computers, interrupts safe browsing functions in browsers, and also disables functions to verify the integrity of files users download over the Internet, as well as modifying the Default search engine on users ‘computers and allows malware to run on the “Placing cryptic browser on users’ computers inadvertently displaying unwanted advertisements on Internet search pages.

Source: ixbit
