Media: Release of US Journalist Detained by Syrian Authority | | Al Etihad Press


Union Press

During the last hours, the media circulated the news of the imminent release of American journalist Austin Tice, whose family says he is being held by the Syrian authority.

The Lebanese newspaper Nidaa Al-Watan said in its issue today, Friday, November 13, that a US military plane belonging to the Special Operations unit landed in the Air Force at the “Teriaq” base in Lebanese Bekaa, raising questions about the nature of the mission he brought to Lebanon.

The flight path through satellites revealed that it had arrived from Jordan to Lebanon, according to the “INTEL sky” account, which monitors the movement of aircraft.

The newspaper cited, according to qualified sources as reliable, that the plane could be waiting for the receipt from the American journalist Austin Tice to take it to Washington, after the mediation of the Lebanese Security Director General, Abbas Ibrahim, who visited Washington last October.

The newspaper suggested that Austin’s release process was completed or is nearing completion following his overland transfer from Damascus, but American press sources told the newspaper that the plane’s mission was not related to the American journalist’s release. but they confirmed: “Yes, Austin Tice is back in Lebanon.”

On the other hand, Nizar Zakka, program director of the American Foundation for Peace Technology, who was arrested in Iran earlier, denied thatTwitterNews of the release of American journalist Austin Tice from his detention in Syria.

This comes after the Lebanese Director of Public Security visited Washington in mid-October at the official invitation of the United States. According to the Washington Post, the visit was aimed at boosting “fragile” negotiations with the Syrian authority that US President Donald Trump launched earlier this year. Seeking the liberation of Americans, including freelance journalist Austin Tice, a contributor to The Washington Post.

The newspaper cited others, describing them as “those familiar with the talks,” that the Syrian authority did not even acknowledge the detention of Americans and instead insisted on the complete withdrawal of US forces from Syria and the lifting of US sanctions. as a precondition for any further discussion.

The American “Wall Street Journal” revealed, on October 18, that the senior White House counterterrorism official, Cash Patel, visited Damascus with the envoy for hostage affairs, Roger Carstens, during the current year, to discuss the issue. of the detained foreigners, and met with the director. National Security Office, Major General Ali Mamlouk.
