Mayor of Nashville, United States: The explosion was caused by a bomb


Nashville Mayor John Cooper confirmed that the powerful explosion, which shook the city Friday morning, was caused by a bomb.

Cooper said, in a joint press conference with police: “Initial information indicates that the accident represents an intentional bomb explosion in our city.”

And the mayor of Nashville emphasized that “there are no more victims so far and this is good,” adding: “I thank the federal and local administration and ask them to help us rebuild the area for the good of the business owners and residents “.

Cooper announced the imposition of a curfew from 4:30 p.m. today until 4:30 p.m. Sunday night, indicating that police and the FBI will handle matters in the area to maintain security and follow up on investigations. and they will work to bring those responsible to justice.

For his part, Nashville Police Chief John Drake confirmed the exclusion of the hypothesis of a gas explosion in the home vehicle that was the origin of the accident, as well as the discovery of body parts believed to be they are human near the site.

He noted that the explosion was “completely sudden” as police had not received any threats prior to the incident. Speaking of the perpetrator’s motives, he continued: “I don’t want to get ahead of the investigations. Perhaps the attacker was targeting sabotage and was not harming people.”

Drake explained that all residents of the area will be moved to other locations so that no one is injured, indicating that they will be evacuated to the western side of Nashville.

And Nashville, Tennessee, police announced early Friday that a powerful explosion occurred at 6:30 a.m. this morning, which falls on Christmas, slightly injuring 3 people, who were taken to the hospital.

Police indicated that the explosion was caused by a vehicle from the house and was most likely a deliberate act, adding that law enforcement officials closed the streets in the city center without revealing any possible motive.

Later, police said that when officers arrived at the scene early this morning, they found a mobile home with an “audio recording” that said the car would explode in 15 minutes and asked people to move away from the area.

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