The secret Zionist War Ministry published a wide range of official documents highlighting the concerns of the Tel Aviv government in the initial stage of the October 1973 War.
Documents published on the Times of Israel website Thursday, which include transcripts of government sessions and security consultations at the highest level, confirm that Tel Aviv’s political and military leadership is at the beginning of the war, and in light of what that is considered. The biggest intelligence failure in Israel’s history was looking into further action. Toughness on Syria, as Yigal Allon, the deputy prime minister at the time, asked during a meeting on the morning of October 7 after the Egypt- Double Syrian attack: “Maybe we should bomb Damascus?”
But the Chief of Staff of the Israeli Army, David Elazar, rejected this proposal, anticipating possible retaliatory attacks against targets deep within Israel, explaining: “Technically, we have no difficulty preventing us from bombing Damascus, but in the practice do not attack cities, “I would not like to start with that.”
After several days, Israel was able to regain the positions it lost in the Golan, but the situation on the Egyptian front was much worse, prompting fears among the government that the international community was losing confidence in Tel Aviv’s ability to defend himself, and he was not convinced of it unless Israel achieved a firm victory on at least one front.
Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir voiced these concerns at a meeting on the night of October 9, the fifth day of the war, and joined Chief of Staff Eleazar, who highlighted the need for a major march against Syria in to show the strength of the Israeli army and force Egypt, on the acceptance of the armistice according to the 1967 borders.
Elazar said: “We are ready to go back, but the Egyptians are not ready for that at all, but they may be ready for the following reason: tomorrow we will bomb all of Syria, including its cities, and we will go deep into Syria and the world will believe in us. strength. And no one in the world will consider us weak, no “. In Israel or the United States or the Arabs or the Russians. Tomorrow they will believe more that we are preparing for that and they will go to Damascus. “
Defense Minister Moshe Dayan shared this position and said: “They should scoff that we are approaching Damascus,” while Deputy Chief of Staff Yisrael Tal asked to focus not on the Syrian front, but on the Sinai front, since the situation there is more dangerous.
Prime Minister Meir concluded that the widespread attack on Syria is of the utmost importance to negotiate the truce with Egypt, and agreed to launch a military advance in deep Syria with the aim of defeating its forces and pulling them out of the war, but without seizing them. Damascus.
Eventually, Israeli forces approached Damascus at a distance of a few dozen kilometers, without taking control of the Syrian capital.
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