Maya Diab fell into the “Covid-19” trap … and a tweet asked her about her scientific certificates!


Dhad Press –

Like other artists, artists and some well-known faces on social media are symbolized as “fashionistas”, the blonde artist was the victim of a dangerous statement in the form of a tweet that has no connection to science, especially because Diab did not provide her followers with evidence scientific, medical and health to substantiate this claim.

The Lebanese star literally wrote on his Twitter account:

“Don’t rush and wait, the vaccine is not a miracle. Go back in history and see how long the fastest vaccine took for a disease.” No less than 4 to 6 years, and until now, most vaccines are subject to changes in their composition, we are not a field of experiments, the vaccine is very primitive and we have to illuminate the minds of people, do not put death and poison in your body.

But he did not provide any scientific evidence to prove this claim, especially since the issue of “Corona” remains one of the most controversial viruses among doctors, specialists, research centers and international laboratories that managed to find a vaccine in a year and was approved. by the main countries and research institutions related to epidemics and vaccines, among them. Pfizer, Moderna and Chinese, Israeli and Russian companies.

These tweets provoked responses from Twitter activists who accuse the Lebanese artist of entering a field that is not within her competence and tweeting a topic that is very sensitive for all humanity and that does not allow interpretation or spreads false information.

Many bloggers commented on Maya Diab’s tweet, criticizing, and here we will review the tweets that criticized Diab’s claim without adopting any opinion or point of view as a site.

Nicole Nasr wrote: The annoying tweet is the confidence that you are talking about and doing to people. Even doctors / medical staff who are against the vaccine will give their opinion more flexibly …

Ilyas Abi Nasr wrote: This virus threatens all mankind, the virus vaccine research has been funded by many people, which means that the target is for everyone, which means that the next vaccine would have taken its time in need of funding and the disease followed by it does not threaten humanity. They were injured, it is not poison, people panic by mistake.

Tony Arraf asked the Lebanese star about the damage caused by artificial solariums through the “solarium”.

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