Many vaccines are good news, get to know them


The world is waiting for a set of vaccines from different companies against the emerging corona virus that causes Covid-19 disease, so what are they? How does each type work?

There are currently 48 vaccines against the Covid-19 epidemic in the phase of clinical trials in humans, but only 11 of them went to the third and final stage before obtaining approval from the authorities, as cited by the French Press Agency of the World Health Organization.

We present here 10 candidate vaccines to hit the market soon:

1- A vaccine from the American company Pfizer and the German company BioNTech

The two companies announced that their combination vaccine is 95% effective in preventing COVID-19, based on the complete results of a large-scale clinical trial.

Last Friday, the two companies applied to the US Food and Drug Administration for the license of their vaccine, and they are the first manufacturers to submit a similar application in the United States and Europe.

The Pfizer-Biontech vaccine is powered by “messenger RNA” or “mRNA” technology. This technology is based on pumping genetic instruction molecules called “messenger RNA” into cells, to drive them to make proteins or “Antigens” directed against the Corona virus, and these proteins are sent to the immune system, which in turn produces vital antibodies.

2- The Modern American Company Vaccine

Moderna announced that its vaccine is 94.5% effective and is also based on “messenger RNA” technology.

Moderna plans to manufacture 20 million doses of the vaccine by the end of the year.

3- The Chinese company Sinovac

The Chinese company has launched third-phase trials of its “CoronaVac” vaccine on thousands of volunteers, mainly in Brazil.

The “Corona Vacc” vaccine depends on the technology of the inactivated vaccine, which provides for the treatment of infectious agents of the emerging corona virus – its scientific name, SARS-CoV-2 – chemically or via heat – to make it less dangerous, but conserving its ability to produce an immune response, and this The most traditional way of pollination.

4- The vaccine from the Chinese company Sinopharm

The company has launched two vaccine projects with Chinese research institutes. China hopes that by the end of the year it can produce 610 million doses of various Covid-19 vaccines, and it has previously given the green light for emergency use of some of them, and its vaccine relies on inactivated vaccine technology.

5- The vaccine from the Indian company of Bharat Biotech

In November, the company launched a recruitment process for 26,000 people to undergo trials with its “Covaxin” vaccine, which is being developed with the support of the Indian government, and expects to be available in the first quarter of 2021, and its The vaccine also depends on the technology of the inactivated vaccine. .

6- Vaccine from the University of Oxford and the pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca

AstraZeneca said today, Monday, that the effectiveness of its vaccine in preventing the corona virus can reach around 90%, without dangerous side effects.

Data from late-stage trials in Britain and Brazil showed that the vaccine, which was developed by the company in cooperation with the University of Oxford, is 90% effective in preventing Covid-19 if the vaccine is made with half a dose at the beginning and then a full dose, at least a month in between.

Another vaccination method showed an effectiveness of 62%, if the vaccination was carried out with two complete doses, separated by at least one month, and thus the combined analysis of the data of the two vaccination methods showed an average effectiveness of 70% for protection against viruses.

The company said the experiments did not reveal any dangerous safety incidents and that the participants tolerated it well during the two vaccination methods.

These results are not as promising as those achieved with the Pfizer-Biontech and Moderna vaccine, but AstraZeneca used more traditional methods to prepare its vaccine, making it less expensive and easier to store because there is no need to store it at low temperatures.

AstraZeneca said it would quickly present its results to authorities in order to get the first green light to promote its vaccine.

Thanks to a “simple supply network”, the vaccine will be “available in all parts of the world and will be easy to obtain,” declared “AstraZeneca” CEO Pascal Sorio.

The British company said it had made progress in producing 3 billion scheduled doses, which should be available in 2021.

The technology used by the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine is a “viral vector”, in which another less virulent virus is used, which is transformed into a part of the virus responsible for Covid-19 disease, and the modified virus is introduced into the cells of individuals, which in turn produce a typical SARS-CoV-2 protein, which should make their immune systems recognize it.

The Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine uses adenovirus as a vector.

Adenoviruses are common, cause a variety of illnesses, and can cause symptoms similar to colds, fever, sore throat, bronchitis, pneumonia, diarrhea and pink eye (pink eye), according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. .

7- The American Johnson & Johnson vaccine

The company has launched two clinical trials of its vaccine, which consists of a modified adenovirus based on viral vector technology; The first is based on administering one dose to the participants and the second is based on two doses. Worldwide, this vaccine will receive 90,000 participants in total. Results are expected to be released in the first quarter of 2021.

8- Vaccine from the Chinese company CanSino Biologics

The company developed the Ad5-nCoV vaccine, in cooperation with the military, which is an adenovirus-based vaccine based on viral vector technology, and launched phase three trials in Mexico, Russia, and Pakistan.

9- Sputnik vaccine in Russian (Sputnik V)

This vaccine was developed by the Center for Research in Epidemiology “Gamalia”, together with the Ministry of Defense of Russia, and is based on the use of two viral vectors and adenovirus. The Russians announced a few days ago that it was 92% effective, and many senior Russian officials said they had received the Sputnik vaccine.

10- The vaccine of the American company Novavax

The American company is developing a vaccine based on a recombinant protein. The emerging corona virus has dots (which are viral proteins) on its surface that connect to cells that contract the infection, and these proteins can be replicated and reintroduced by the immune system to push it to respond.

Novavax launched the third phase of clinical trials in the United Kingdom last September and is expected to launch trials in the United States at the end of November. And the preliminary data is supposed to be released in the first quarter of 2021.

Source : Al-Jazeera + Reuters + French + websites
