Majzoub was subjected to schools despite warnings from health experts!


The Minister of Education, Tariq Al-Majzoub, decided to submit to the accounts of the private schools cartel and pressured him to return to classes to ask families to pay fees, to follow the advice of health experts they recommended. the end of the school year, even before registering an increase in the number of people infected with the Corona virus.

On the eve of Majzoub’s announcement last week of decisions related to the end of the school year and official examinations, he requested a meeting with experts from the Emergency Health Committee and the World Health Organization, not to consult them on the validity of pre-established decisions, but to request assistance in the implementation of preventive measures to guarantee the safe return of students, teachers and employees.
Member of the National Committee for Infectious Diseases, Dr. Abd al-Rahman Al-Bizri assured Al-Akhbar that experts “advised the minister to end the academic year and complete distance education, on the grounds that losing a year academic is easier than losing your life “, and due to the many logistical difficulties in terms of the possibility of achieving social separation in the grades. Buses and the application of general cleaning and sterilization safety standards. “However, the Ministry made its decision in advance and explained to us, in a prolonged session, that it has other accounts related to the need to complete school curricula due to the forced interruption due to the uprising and Corona, and that there is an economic link between private schools, the rights of parents and teachers. Al-Bizri said the educational administration “was determined to take public and secondary exams, and when experts suggested replacing official law with school exams similar to many countries in the world, such as the French and the International Baccalaureate, the answer was that the benefit in the field is not recognized in the works and the evaluation A civil servant in the secondary school receives a unique evaluation, not continuous, like all the other foreign diplomas. In this case, according to Al-Bizri, the task consisted of “only provide technical assistance. We were advised to halve the number of students in the class, which means that the teacher taught the class twice, and the agreement was to reduce the number of subjects. We also request that all hygiene be provided and that there be a specific classroom arrangement that respects the divergence and that the student does not exceed 4 hours at school, provided that there are no breaks (opportunities) so that mixing does not increase over time. countryside. There was also discussion of replacing papers and books with an iPad or tablet, and that there be a campaign to support public schools to secure them, to ensure that the virus is not transmitted through the exchange of books between students.

Experts advised stopping buses and transporting students with private cars for parents.

Al-Bizri emphasized that there is a critical role for health supervisors in all schools. As for the buses, he described them as a “nightmare”, hoping that managers have begun communicating with parents to insure their children, should they return, with their own cars, provided that companies and Jobs take into account the delay caused by that. He stressed that “we all have to take responsibility, especially after the state of disruption that Lebanon has experienced in the past few weeks since the government announced its withdrawal of some measures without serious practical measures; noting any new data” it will inevitably affect the decision to return to schools ».
The educational administration has kept pace with health developments related to the high number of cases of corona infection among residents. Al Majzoub said in a press interview that “if health conditions worsen, we will modify the details of the decision to return to schools”, denying that until now there has been a decision to cancel the plan, “and the ministry is in the process of preparing all the procedures for the safe return to educational institutions, and will distribute a psychosocial educational health protocol to accompany the return in cooperation with health and educational references.
On the other hand, the Ministry is witnessing a series of movements of committees, families and students to protest against the minister’s decisions. The Parent Union and Parent Committee is holding a press conference today to respond to what was said at the Minister’s conference on school enrollment and child protection.
