Maduro offers the oil for vaccines initiative and ensures that his country will not beg anyone


Due to the sanctions imposed by Washington and some Western countries on Venezuela, and due to the failure of the vaccines against Corona to reach Caracas, the Venezuelan president proposes “oil for the vaccine”, and affirms that his country “will not beg anyone” .

  • Mature:
    Maduro: “Oil for vaccine” but Venezuela “will not beg anyone”

Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro proposed “oil for a vaccine” so that his country can buy vaccines against the emerging corona virus “Covid-19”.

In a statement broadcast by Venezuelan official television, Maduro said that “Venezuela has oil tankers, and it has clients who are ready to buy oil from them,” and noted that “Venezuela is ready for oil in exchange for the vaccine, but it will not.” . do not beg anyone “.

He confirmed that Caracas will allocate part of its production to obtain the vaccines it needs.

In his tweet on “Twitter,” Maduro said: “We have two ready ways to get vaccines, through the Covax mechanism: with the release of the seized money, and with the oil-for-vaccines plan. Venezuela has dignity.” and the resources to guarantee the health of the Venezuelan people. “

On Sunday, Venezuela condemned the freezing of “Facebook” the account of the Venezuelan president, noting that the censorship of “Facebook” is an extension of the US sanctions against Caracas.

Maduro said in his account on “Twitter”: “Due to the censorship and blocking of” Facebook “on my page, I announce that the usual weekly balance to combat Corona will be transferred through the” ConCiliaFlores “page, as well as in my accounts on Instagram, YouTube and Twitter. They won’t silence us! “

Venezuela and its oil company, PDVSA, are subject to Western economic sanctions led by the United States, which wants to overthrow Maduro, since he was re-elected in 2018 in elections that a sector of the international community considered “rigged.”

And Venezuela, the former oil giant, last February, according to OPEC figures, produced 520,000 barrels of oil per day, much less than the three million barrels per day it produced in 2013.

Although the drop in oil production in the country began before the sanctions, Caracas faces many difficulties in selling its oil due to these sanctions.

It is noteworthy that the US administration confirmed two weeks ago that the unilateral sanctions against the Venezuelan authorities “did not achieve their objectives”, claiming that they support “the peaceful transition of democracy” in the country and not “regime change.”
