Macron’s infection with Corona may be during the European summit


Paris / Anatolia

French Health Minister Olivier Ferrand said Thursday that President Emmanuel Macron’s infection with the Corona virus may have occurred during the summit of European Union leaders.

In an interview with the local channel “France 5”, Ferrand ruled out that the virus had been transmitted to Macron during a banquet held on Wednesday night at the Elysee Palace.

Earlier today, the Elysee Palace announced that Macron had been infected with the Corona virus, indicating that he would isolate himself for 7 days and continue his remote work.

The Health Minister added that Macron may have contracted the virus during the European summit that was held in the Belgian capital, Brussels, on December 10 and 11.

However, the French website “Media Part” reported that Macron held a banquet, on Wednesday night, at the Elysee Palace, and met with Prime Minister Jean Castex and the heads of the parliamentary blocs of political parties. in Parliament, referring to the possibility of his injury during this banquet.

The news from the French website stated that Macron violated the rule prohibiting the gathering of more than 6 people during dinner, which was announced on November 14.

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