Macron: We will provide all necessary support to the Lebanese people and we will follow the reform record


French President Emmanuel Macron announced, before his departure from Rafik Hariri International Airport, where he met with the President of the Republic, General Michel Aoun, in the Hall of Honor: “I have returned as promised to Lebanon and Beirut, and as I had promised on my previous visit, first to make sure of what happened in the humanitarian aid that followed the explosion. On August 9, under the auspices of the United Nations, we organized an international conference in France to organize this aid with the eagerness and desire to emphasize transparency and the role of non-governmental and civil institutions and organizations, and tomorrow I will personally go to the port and reveal it personally and we will also coordinate health care, and I also know that Lebanon suffers from a plague. covid 19 We are following up on aid programs in education and schools and all kinds of necessary support for the Lebanese people, and this is the same commitment and commitment which accompanied the technical cooperation that we provided and began to provide it with the Lebanese government at the request of the Lebanese government, especially in the context of the investigation on the issue of the explosion.

He added: “The second reason for my visit now is the centenary of the state of Greater Lebanon, and we would certainly like to move forward, and also the purpose of this visit is to see what has emerged from the political situation, and my position remains the same, which is the need to confirm what will happen, and I have seen that the process has occurred “. I left in the last hours appointing a prime minister, and it is certainly not my place to agree with him or not, because this is due to Lebanese sovereignty, but I have to make sure that he will actually be able to form an important government to serve the Lebanese people and Lebanon and launch proposals to combat corruption for the sake of justice and reform also in In the field of energy, reconstruction of the port and better management of the central bank and the banking system, all these necessary reforms that I have definitely promised to continue because they must be adopted by this government, and France is committed to being with you and supporting Lebanon and the Lebanese people. These are the three objectives of this visit today, and also because I am I wanted to fulfill my promise, which I made on my last visit to Lebanon.

In the video – Dr. Shawki Azoury for “Al-Nahar”: This is how we protect our sanity from the hell of catastrophe.

We will not be destroyed …

3 weeks have passed since the Beirut tragedy and the wound has yet to heal. The pain is great but we will not be devastated. We rose from the heart of Beirut, in the “An-Nahar” building, witness to the explosion of the port and which quickly collected the rubble of its offices and came back to life, to say that we will not die and we will not go bankrupt again. Our souls are tired, but we will try to protect them with all available means, because the will to live is stronger and protected from destruction.

Dr. Shawky Azoury talks to “Al-Nahar” about how to protect our mental health from the hell of catastrophe.
