Macron reveals the start date of the first vaccination campaign


French President Emmanuel Macron announced on Tuesday the launch date of the first vaccination campaign against the emerging corona virus, and the people who will participate in it.

Macron noted that the first Corona vaccination campaign will take place in December and December, noting that the people most vulnerable to the Corona virus in France are those who will receive the vaccine.

As for the second vaccination campaign against the “Covid-19” epidemic, it will take place between April and June, and will be on a larger scale in France.

Macron announced in a televised speech that small “non-essential” stores, including libraries, flower shops and games that have been closed since the end of October, will be able to resume their activities next Saturday, closing at 9pm.

He noted the continuous closure of bars, restaurants, discos and sports halls. It is also allowed to travel up to 20 km during a period of 3 hours instead of one km and only one hour.

Macron said that the comprehensive quarantine will be lifted on December 15 and will be replaced with a nationwide curfew from 9 p.m. to 7 a.m., with the exception of the nights of December 24 and 31 of this measure. .

Macron said that, as of mid-December, “we will be able to move again without permission, even between regions, and spend Christmas with the family.”

As of December 15, cultural centers such as museums, theaters and cinemas will also be able to reopen their doors, respecting health standards.
