Macron expects his country to go through a “difficult period” by facing Corona until mid-April – Al-Manar channel website – Lebanon


French President Emmanuel Macron expected his country to go through what he described as a “difficult period” to combat the coronavirus pandemic, until mid-April.

The mayor of Boissy, Carl Olive, said in a statement to the television channel “BFM” that French President Emmanuel Macron, during his visit to a local hospital in Saint-Germain-en-Laye, expressed the opinion that France will go through a difficult period in the fight against the epidemic until mid-April.

The local official said that the French president has additional measures to contain the epidemic, which will be applied only at the local level, in relation to the prevailing situation, and at the same time, a final decision on the self-isolation of citizens has not been made. .

The newspaper “Les Echos” quoted French government sources that the option of imposing self-isolation on weekends is now a priority in the “Ile-de-France” and northern “Haute-de-France”, where 425 and 364 cases were registered, respectively Infection per 100,000 inhabitants, which indicates that this number of infections exceeds the average rate for the country, which is 243.

It should be noted that similar restrictions, in addition to curfews, have already been imposed in Nice and other cities in the maritime province of the Alps, as well as in Dunkirk and Basse-de-Calais in the north of the country.

The new measures are expected to be announced during a press conference on Thursday, attended by Prime Minister Jean Castex and Health Minister Olivier Ferrand, and will take effect later this week.

The latest data issued by the authorities monitors the record of more than 4 million cases of Coronavirus infection since the beginning of the epidemic in France, while the number of victims of the epidemic exceeded 91 thousand people.

And the vaccination campaign in France started from the end of December 2020, and so far 5.5 million of the country’s population have been vaccinated against the Corona virus, of which 2.3 million have already received two doses of the vaccine. .

Source: Agencies
