Luis Arce … The economist Evo Morales remained president of Bolivia


Ars headed the Ministry of Economy throughout Morales’ reign (Ronaldo Schmidt / AFP)

The presidential elections in Bolivia, the day before yesterday, Sunday, passed quietly until now. And unlike last year, when the presidencies in this country were accompanied by violent events that left 30 dead and the left in Latin America once again lost one of its main strongholds, it seems that the overwhelming victory, which this left has probably recovered, It won’t bring back the hustle and bustle of 2019, at least on The Street. This is what the statement of the interim president, Janine Anez, suggested to summon her Sunday night, whoever wins, to give priority to the interest of the country. Ánez’s declaration may not only be an endorsement of the restoration of the power of the left, with the victory of the former Minister of Economy Luis Arce Katakura, but also of his abject failure in handling the epidemic crisis of the Crown, which may be the factor direct from his inability to gain popular support for his candidacy for the presidency, and then the loss of right-wing candidates. .

Bolivia witnessed for a year an accelerated decline of its economy and the highest rate of corona injuries in the world relative to the population.

But in a country where Evo Morales, “the red Indian” – which is not a racist term – is still as beloved as his controversy in the last years of his government, due to the popular composition of the majority of “mestizos” (a mixture of indigenous and whites), and the highest percentage in the south of the American continent of the indigenous, the “Andean” countries, have most likely chosen to vote for Morales’ own “economy”, instead of going towards the economics of “suicide”, according to the implications of a few months of conservative government. Since Morales went into exile (Mexico and then Argentina) last November, Bolivia witnessed a rapid decline in its economy and the highest rate of Corona injuries in the world relative to population (about 12 million people) , and one of the most affected. The Anez government has also printed, under suspicion of corruption, the case of buying fans from Spain.

These factors may be among the direct reasons that led to the victory of the candidate of the “Movement to Socialism”, Louis Arce, in last Sunday’s elections, the results of which have not yet been officially and definitively announced. Arsi, 57, has won 52 percent so far, according to polling station tally statistics, while the electoral authorities announced the possibility of delaying the announcement of the result for up to a week. But this percentage, compared with around 34% for the candidate on the right, former President Carlos Mesa, means that the country avoids going into a second round.

As soon as his unofficial victory was announced, Arsi vowed to establish conciliatory language and form a government of national unity, following a campaign dominated by previous accusations between the two rival parties, to prepare to rig the elections, especially after the influential Minister of the Interior in the government of Ánez, Arturo Murillo, went to Washington. But the Americans, who are undoubtedly frustrated by the result of the presidential elections in Bolivia, have already confirmed that they will cooperate with one of the candidates, if they win, as confirmed a few days ago by an official from the US State Department to the Washington Post.

Arsi, in terms of academic structure, is not far from American or Western economic “democratization”. He graduated from a British university with a degree in economics and lectured many times in the United States, while Morales’ economics, which Arsi led for years, mixed the socialist system with the policy of Employer Friendly. But he is considered very close to Morales and his economic shadow. Although he finally tried to distance himself from the former socialist president during the campaign, Taif was very present on the day of the vote, after he was considered the real “engineer” of his finance minister’s campaign. In a previous interview with the Washington Post, Arsi said that if he wins, “nothing prevents Camrad Evo (the former president who was prevented from running for the election) from returning to the country, but he will have to face some charges,” while the right wing fears If Arsi’s victory is officially declared, his figures that have emerged a year ago will also be persecuted, especially in the context of managing the health crisis, as well as some military leaders.

Arsi promised a government of national unity and welcomed the return of Morales

Luis Alberto Arci Katakura has held the position of Minister of Economy and Public Finance of Bolivia, since the beginning of the Morales government in 2006. He has a postgraduate degree in economics from Varvik University in Great Britain in 1997, and prior to that a degree in economics from the University of San Andrés in 2006. La Paz, 1991. He also graduated as an accountant from the Bolivian Institute of Banking Education in 1984, and developed most of his career before ministry at the Central Bank of Bolivia (until 2006 ), when he held the Ministry of Economy and Finance. He has lectured at various European and American universities (Harvard, Georgetown and Colombia), has books and various economic articles, as well as having received several honorary degrees from national universities.

Arsi is a good talker and is known for his engineering of the “Bolivian wonder” (economic), during Morales’ reign. And compared to the country’s return during the last year of exile to liberal “savagery,” after unemployment reached a record rate (more than 11 percent compared to 3 percent last year), and an increase Expected at the 7 percent poverty rate at the end of the year, the return of the left appears to be a popular demand. But Arsi spoke the day before yesterday about restoring Bolivia to the road to democracy, promising to correct the mistakes of the previous socialist government and “complete the dream.”

During his tenure as the Ministry of the Economy, Arsi oversaw the nationalization of the hydrocarbon industry, launched a series of social programs and recognized the “popular socialist” sector of the economy, with a notable increase in the minimum wage. In a pre-election interview with the “Jacobin” website, Arce said that his country had tested “neoliberalism” for more than 20 years, but its results were “disastrous”, criticizing the right-wing transitional government, after the overthrow of Morales, for “canceling social investment and paralyzing national companies,” which led to the destruction of the national product. “He also criticized” the concentration of income in the hands of a few elites, which made the Bolivians collect on their bags and on their computers the results of a coup that occurred at the end of last year, “promising that if he won, he would reestablish the income distribution policy that had been in place since early 2006. Arce, known as” Loco ” He said. As soon as he returned from Mexico to participate in the elections, he faced many persecutions and his family was also threatened, but he assured that Bolivians will realize that “we are determined to win. far “.
