London’s strategy to prevent Scottish independence: divide and rule


لندن | The Scottish government, which is dominated by advocates of independence, continues to adopt policies other than those adopted by the central government in London, the latter of which is related to the management of the Corona epidemic crisis. Policies that would gradually and objectively establish the possibility of the region obtaining its independence from the kingdom after a continuous subordination since 1707.

The UK’s methodology for coping with the consequences of the epidemic is subject to criticism, some of which ended in failure, in addition to government confusion that caused thousands of Britons to lose their lives without justification. And the outbreak of the epidemic in universities as a result of the authorities’ insistence on starting the school year on time (September), and revealing that the government did not take the recommendations of the country’s highest scientific committee to impose an urgent closure of two weeks in an effort to absorb the second epidemic wave, revealing the struggle of wills, throughout the past two weeks, between the central government and Manchester Township, regarding the city’s situation on high alert and the imposition of strict Isolation measures led to a sharp decline in local communities’ confidence in the Conservative government’s ability to manage the crisis.
The Scottish Prime Minister and leader of the “Scottish National Party”, Nicola Sturgeon, was quick to present an alternative model, after announcing that she would not embark on “any confrontation” with city councils over the application of the three-tier isolation system in Scotland, and that, despite its commitment to make the final decision in terms of system implementation, it will not seek to “hollow out” the decision-making process of city councils. She was quoted as saying: “We are asking people to do extraordinary things right now, and it is not fair to me or the government to try to impose these things on other people in local authorities or health councils. We have to consult and cooperate as much as possible. “As we make decisions about the isolation levels that apply to any part of Scotland, we want it to be cooperative and voluntary.”
It is clear that this quantitative accumulation in the differentiated policies – form and content – of the Edinburgh government arouses growing anxiety in London, which realizes that its hasty administration to end the relationship with the European Union (Brexit) it may give Scotland’s nationalists their historic chance to win an independence referendum, in which their victory will necessarily spell the disintegration of the United Kingdom, linking Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Gibraltar to England.
According to a report published by the Bloomberg Agency, based on a leaked 21-page memorandum, and it is believed that British government ministers commissioned a private consulting firm, there is a real risk of a “complete constitutional crisis” if current trends continue. of growing popular support for nationalists and the government. The town of Scotland. The memorandum drawn up by private consultancy Hansbury, which is led by Umit Gill, chief strategy officer to former British Prime Minister David Cameron, and Paul Stephenson, his campaign advisor for the Brexit referendum (2016), mocked the inability to government cadres even for Thinking of a fundamental issue, how to develop a strategy to preserve the unity of the kingdom, and his resort to spending exorbitant sums at the expense of public money to hire others – old friends – to undertake the task of thinking about his Name.

The quantum buildup in the differentiated policies of the Edinburgh government is causing growing concern in London.

The memorandum proposes a plan to deal with the “danger coming from the north”, focused on attacking the record of the “Scottish National Party” in the Edinburgh government since 2007, and launching a cruel and targeted campaign of attack against the person of the Prime Minister. , with the aim of forming an anti-party electoral base that includes opponents of independence and the enemies of Estrogeno. In addition to opponents of Brexit, who do not want Scottish independence from the UK. The government recommends that intensive efforts be made with Brussels to persuade it to present the issue of independent Scotland’s accession to the European Union as impractical and without much difficulty.
Perhaps most importantly in the leaked memorandum, according to the Bloomberg report, is framed by the Conservatives’ recommendation to abandon the current rigid policy towards Scottish independence, which is based on the principle that the popular referendum that took place in 2014 – and that the nationalists lost at the time – it goes on for a whole generation. It should not be returned, describing it as an “error” that should be stopped immediately. The memorandum says that following the possible victory of the “Nationalist Party” in the Scottish General Election of 2021, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson should (not) swallow the decision with which he faces the growing calls for independence from the territory, and start wearing (not) velvet. Refusing to hold a new referendum in the short term, but with the introduction of a new constitutional arrangement that allows Scotland to take sovereign decisions on some issues related to “Brexit”, such as the immigration question, which can be ratified after a referendum popular is equivalent to appeasing the feelings of the citizens of the region. It will be difficult for the National Party to reject generous offers in this direction, having spent several years (since the 2016 Brexit referendum) demanding sovereign rights over the European Union’s Brexit agreements, which will weaken a basic argument on which they depend. supporters of the independence movement.
Although the British government did not officially adopt the content of the memorandum, and Johnson’s staff had multiple views on the management of (rioters) in the northern regions, it gives a strong indication of the flawed strategy of the hawks the Prime Minister since taking office late last year towards demands for independence. It is a damning sign that the inner circle of the British right has serious doubts about the desired results of this strategy.
Observers do not expect Johnson to immediately adopt the recommendations in this memo, but its mere circulation among the ruling Conservative Party represents an early warning to the Scottish working class in terms of accepting nothing less than a referendum on the country’s complete independence from the Kingdom. United after the 2021 elections. A referendum in which the options are clear between (no) and (yes), so as not to fall into the trap of independence that conservatives seem to be preparing behind the scenes, following their historical habit of dominating to the peoples with a policy of “divide and conquer”.

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