Local Newspaper Headlines and Secrets Published on Wednesday February 3, 2021 – Al-Manar TV Website – Lebanon



Neglecting correspondence and studies: from ammonium nitrate to demarcation Does Lebanon avoid the waste of 1,400 km2 of its waters?

1,300,000 pounds per family per month: support cards for 600,000 families

Closing the file of detainees in the United Arab Emirates: When will the convicts be released?

– UAE Pipelines – Israel hits ‘Suez’ revenue

Joseph Aoun: the road to the palace on the corpses of the media

– The Lebanese people of the Congo return the smuggled medicines: the judiciary has not yet taken action
Building :

Borrell conducts indirect negotiations between Zarif and Blinken to draw a ladder of mutual obligations

Macron is open to Mikati’s proposal with a techno-political government of 20 ministers

Will Hariri succeed in seizing the opportunity with the advance of Paris and Cairo at the expense of Riyadh?

– The government move is “preparatory” … soon there will be no French envoys in Lebanon, despite intense contacts on the Paris-Beirut line

– The country opens gradually, as of February 8 … yesterday there were 81 deaths of “Corona”

ESCWA: 23% of private sector employees will be laid off in Lebanon in 2020
Major General:

– The Covenant burns their last cards: blaming the “duo” for Hariri’s steadfastness!

Ibrahim Saves Lebanon From Darkness: A New Iraqi Initiative To Support Lebanon’s Electricity

– The Three Thirds government soon … and Hariri from Cairo to Paris
Day time:

– A fragile “truce” between the presidencies … and Hariri meets Sisi


– Extending the closure, the vaccination campaign and social support … Three syndromes to face the outbreak of the epidemic, oh Lebanese … your blood plasma is sold on the black market



– A former European ambassador to Lebanon who witnessed the birth of the March 14 Movement said that the words of his colleague, former US ambassador Jeffrey Feltman on the future of the US relationship with Syria, can be an American asset for influence the positions of Lebanese Parties if Feltman is assigned a task related to the adoption of the Carter initiative of the Jimmy Center on Syria, in which Feltman participated in its development.

– European diplomatic sources expected that the US Secretary of State and the US envoy in Iran, Tony Blinken and Robert Malle, would take Paris as a permanent station for their monitoring of international and regional archives, and that its Francophone identity and the American need for a European mask in many of the thorny directions would give France a position greater than its capabilities and the size of its influence.

The Republic
– It is known that the ambassador of one of the European countries expressed her resentment at the pattern of dealing in some Lebanese circles with a judicial file that was moved by the judiciary of that country.

– A great authority abandoned an attempt to unite two poles worried about an ongoing crisis while waiting for a promise to accept all its observations.

– A long-time diplomat claims that those who link a sensitive file with external factors do not know anything about politics, as these factors will not appear for years.
Major general

– Reluctance to reprimand the medical body responsible for unveiling the environment of the scientific and health committees, regarding the fate of the general closure in the country, after next Monday!

– According to information from a deputy from the Wazana bloc, contacts between an active party and the designated president’s team have not been interrupted.

– A high ranking eastern diplomat was surprised by the lack of enthusiasm of a regional country for serious cooperation with this country’s initiative in Lebanon!

Day time
Politicians and party leaders compete to present proposals to support those most in need through the media without any operational steps in the places they occupy.

– A close collaborator of a large Arab country that recently provided humanitarian aid says he does not take any political initiative and is committed to coordinating with Washington and the Gulf states on the Lebanese docket.

– A representative representative says that the Capital Control Law relieves bank administrations and does not bring benefit to depositors unless it is approved within the controls and conditions that preserve the rights of citizens.

– Media pumping of inaccurate information by a certain team to influence a national problem that is witnessing attacks.

Source: Newspapers
