Local newspaper headlines and secrets published on Friday February 12, 2021 – Al-Manar channel website – Lebanon




The Banque du Liban threatens to go dark: no dollars for electricity

French movement … without government

– The “Macron government” is stuck on the Paris-Gulf line

Crown: 7 times the number of reported injuries

– Community immunity rate of 35%: actual infections seven times those reported

Lifting of subsidies to the agricultural sector: the last pillars of production fall

Inflation is 84 percent in 2020

Luqman Salim’s funeral

– Moscow revitalizes dialogue: initial understandings between Damascus and the “Qasd”


– Blinken announces the understanding with Riyadh on a mechanism for the Yemeni settlement … and Ansar Allah advances towards Marib

– Hariri reveals the results of his visit to Paris to Jumblatt’s chagrin … and the preference for the 20 ministers?

– Luqman Salim’s funeral in the suburb in the presence of the American ambassador … and questions about the phone


– The effects of the frozen Paris “dinner”, awaiting Saudi responses and American flexibility

– France is looking for Riyadh to lift the “veto” on Hariri without financial commitments!

– Are port crime investigations in a “vicious circle” and is the path to criminal scrutiny “acceptable”?

Major General:

– A Western American Storming the Suburb: To Hold Luqman Salim’s Killers Responsible!

– The resumption of the initiative after the Macron Gulf round … and public sector salaries await the budget


– The government or new sanctions

– The American Ambassador to Dahia

Hariri returned with French ideas … and a dispute over the 18th and 20th governments

Day time:

There is no dissolution of the government and Macron will not modify his initiative


Vaccination, in parallel with strict prevention measures, brings the Lebanese people to health security.

– The obstruction team hits the chances to save Lebanon … Aoun puts the cabinet formation in the drawers of the judicial formations



Economic sources said that the slowdown in the implementation of the rationalization of supports and the adoption of the financing card for the poorest families a year after the start of discussions about the project and spending more than five billion dollars of their time in chaotic supports it means that the erosion of state institutions is not conditioned to the nature of the political forces that make up the government.

Yemeni sources said monitoring how the US administration deals with the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi after President Joe Biden announced that the decision to kill is Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman will reveal the credibility of the Biden administration in the archives of the region, especially Yemeni dossier that is directly related to Washington’s seriousness in dealing seriously with the Crown Prince of the war in Yemen.

The day

– Some circles of a prominent political movement confirm that the participation of a former minister and deputy in the funeral of Luqman Salim is personal, but the movement does not care and its position is clear in this context.

– Education circles were shocked by the number of decisions made by the Minister of Education regarding the current educational trajectory, at a time when the picture of the rest of the school year remains blurry from the Crown epidemic to safety and conditions economic.

– A former Christian minister commented on the mass that took place yesterday in a government hospital in Keserwan, preferring not to include official institutions on religious occasions and being satisfied with the basic service for which they were established so as not to occupy the sects, where find most of these institutions.

The Republic

A political and partisan group is preparing to announce a new coalition to approach the files with a new look that constitutes an alternative to the current governance mechanism.

– A spiritual figure told one of his visitors that he could infringe a political figure from another sect.

– An official reference asked the director of a basic public utility to use everything he had to support every last penny, to save himself at the expense of depositors.

Major General

– The authority team acts on the basis that the decision is in their hands, and must act or reconsider the actions of the interim government.

– A television station was isolated from most of the neighborhoods of a suburb, and from the governorates covered by this measure, after the appearance of a well-known journalist …

A diplomat living in a European capital ruled out a government advance soon and preferred to go with the stalemate, awaiting the start of public talks between the West and Iran.


– A political leader confirmed that he would exclusively receive the Coronavirus vaccine, according to the mechanism followed with all citizens, and in the designated center.

– Despite its closure, a media channel will keep pace with the annual national anniversary through exceptional live coverage throughout the day of the event.

Source: Newspapers
