Lilian Shaito … great sympathy for the “sleeping princess” whose son was deprived by the attack on the port of Beirut.


Local media and websites dubbed the “New Year’s Miracle” on a 26-year-old Lebanese woman, after she regained consciousness after a 5-month coma as a result of the injuries she sustained in the massive bombings of the port of Beirut. .

However, Lilian Shaito quickly became an issue of public opinion when the Lebanese learned that this mother is not allowed to see her baby after being abducted by her father, who lives in Abidjian, Ivory Coast, Africa. .

According to media reports, Lilian is from the city of Al-Tayri in the Nabatiyeh governorate in southern Lebanon. She fell into a coma on August 4 after being in one of the Beirut souks in the city center to buy a gift for her husband when the Beirut port explosion occurred, causing a serious head injury. Skull fractures and internal bleeding followed, as a result of falling to the ground and falling onto a glass facade.

Lilian left Lebanon last year for the Ivory Coast after her marriage, but returned to give birth to her first child among her family before she was injured in that accident and her son was under two months old.

Her brother, Nesma Shaaito, said in an interview with the Al-Araby Al-Jadeed newspaper that her sister had come out of the coma (coma), but had not fully recovered yet, knowing that she had recently opened her eyes, but without reply.

She added: “Today, we can talk about a significant improvement in her health, as the doctors assured us that she regained consciousness at a rate of almost 80 percent, emphasizing that it is a miracle.”

But what worries the family is that Ibn Lillian is far from them and her, and they have not seen him since the time of the accident, which made many Lebanese sympathize with her and demand that she return her baby so that his condition further improve and regain health.

In this regard, Lebanese news sites reported that the Supreme Court of Personal Status of Ja’fari (the Shiite sect to which Lillian and her husband belong) had ruled that the child was prohibited from traveling and handed over to his grandmother, the mother of his mother, for a period of 4 hours a day to bring him closer to his sick mother.

According to the decision released by Lebanese activists, it was decided “to inform the rest of the security and judicial bodies and all the Sharia Ja’fari courts in Lebanon pending the necessary actions in accordance with Sharia and the law, after the Inspector General of the Sharia Ja’fari Courts, Judge Hassan Al-Shami and the Attorney General, Judge Bilal Wazni, contacted the President of the Court. Supreme Sheikh Muhammad Kanaan, “according to the” Modon “website.

Twitter users had mentioned that the family of Lillian’s husband had refused to take the child to his mother’s bed at the American University Hospital in Beirut, “to avoid being affected by the image of his mother lying on the bed. bed”. They also insisted that members of the mother’s family do not know the child.
