Lebanon to seek documents behind US sanctions on Bassil


Lebanese President Michel Aoun said Lebanon will ask the United States to obtain the evidence and documents that led it to impose sanctions on its prominent Christian political brother-in-law, Gebran Bassil, on Friday.

A statement published by the Lebanese Presidency on Twitter today (Saturday) stated that “President Aoun asked the Foreign Minister to obtain evidence and documents that led the United States Department of the Treasury to press charges against Representative Gebran Bassil, and the need to deliver the documents to the Lebanese judiciary to take the necessary measures In the event that there is any data available, “according to the news agency” Reuters “.

On Friday, the United States imposed sanctions on Lebanese Christian politician Gebran Bassil, leader of the country’s largest Christian political bloc and the president’s son-in-law, accusing him of corruption and association with “Hezbollah.”

Bassil heads the Free Patriotic Movement founded by Aoun, and previously held the ministries of communications, energy and water, and foreign affairs.

Bassil was the target of demonstrations last year against a political elite that protesters accused of looting the country. Bassil said on Twitter that the sanctions imposed on him by the United States did not scare him. He added: “Neither the sanctions scared me nor the promises attracted me … I am not turning against any Lebanese … I am not saving myself so that Lebanon perishes.”

The move may complicate the efforts of Prime Minister-designate Saad Hariri, who was appointed last month, to form a new government. Hariri is trying to make his way onto the country’s sectarian scene to form a government that implements the reforms necessary to lift the country out of its worst crisis since the 1975-1990 civil war, which paralyzed the banking system, plunged the value of the currency and spread poverty.

A well-informed source told “Reuters” that the move would most likely toughen the Free Patriotic Movement’s position in the negotiations to form a new government that Lebanon needs to enact reforms demanded by foreign donors.

In recent months, Washington has imposed sanctions on various officials associated with Hezbollah, which has a strong influence in the country and which Washington considers a terrorist group.

Hezbollah condemned the US move, describing it as purely politically motivated, and said in a statement: “(Hezbollah) condemns the decision made by the US Treasury against the head of the Free Patriotic Movement, His Excellency Minister Gebran Bassil, and he considers it a pure political decision and a blatant and forceful interference in the internal affairs of Lebanon.

He added: “This decision is specifically aimed at subjecting a great Lebanese political team to US conditions and dictates in Lebanon.”

The Free Patriotic Movement is allied with Hezbollah and Basil defended the group. He said it plays a vital role in defending Lebanon.

The US Treasury said Bassil is “at the forefront of corruption in Lebanon” as successive governments failed to reduce accumulated sovereign debt or address the deteriorating infrastructure and power sector laden with losses that cost the treasury. billions of dollars, while power outages continued.

“Systemic corruption in the Lebanese political system, represented by Bassil, has contributed to undermining the foundations of an effective government that serves the Lebanese people,” US Treasury Secretary Stephen Mnuchin said in a statement. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said: “Bassil also undermined good governance with these corrupt activities, contributed to the entrenchment of the system of corruption and political favoritism that plagued Lebanon, and assisted (Hezbollah) in its destabilizing activities.”

Basil was punished under the “Magnitsky” human rights law, which targets those involved in human rights violations and corrupt practices around the world. The law requires the freezing of the targets’ US assets and prohibits Americans from doing business with them. The US State Department also banned Bassil’s travel to the United States.

A senior US official said the sanctions announcement “is not intended to affect the government formation process” in Lebanon.

The official also denied any link between the declaration and the US elections, saying that preparing for sanctions takes months.


The Lebanese government


Lebanon News
