Lebanon: The increase in the number of infected by Corona and the complete closure of their confrontation



It became clear that Lebanon, as described by the head of the Parliamentary Health Commission, Representative Assem Araji, is in the middle of the Italian model in terms of the excessive increase in the number of people with Corona and in terms of deaths taking a Alarming escalation trend, especially after the depletion of intensive care beds and the notable shortage of artificial respirators, as government hospitals have become Especially in Beirut and Mount Lebanon governorates, it cannot receive Corona patients because it has Full and empty beds are hard to find, and serious thought is being given to transferring some of the injured to hospitals in other regions which in turn complain of severe bed shortages to the point where Lebanon is expected to be announced. A country affected by health, which adds to its difficult economic, financial and political situation.

Medical sources said today, Sunday, about the mistakes made against the Lebanese since the Beirut port explosion today, and said the resigned government should have maintained the closure procedures even after the port disaster, at least to get back to the measures closing one month after the incident, and the continuation of these measures throughout the three months of October. The second and the first of December.

Noting that the decision to open the country in the month of the holidays was one of the fatal mistakes made by the government, which should not listen to the owners of restaurants and nightclubs because people’s health takes precedence especially in such circumstances, and We had saved the country thousands of wounded, and that these measures must continue for some time. The arrival of vaccines, but what happened, what will benefit the complete closure after registering about 3 thousand injured per day for almost three weeks and until today, awaiting the great disaster that will occur after the injured on New Year’s Eve New..

Medical sources have demanded that a health emergency be declared between now and Lebanon receives the vaccines in mid-February, warning that the country is on the brink of inevitable disaster..

At this time, attention is directed to the meeting of the Corona Ministerial Committee tomorrow Monday, and what action it can take, as a government source indicated that the Corona Committee is on track to make a decision of full closure for a period of three weeks, subject to renewal, excluding some sectors and public administrations such as pharmacies, ovens and supermarkets that will be announced. Opening dates in addition to hospital workers, newspapers and most of the departments to which the above measures were applied, and reducing assistance to ministries and public administrations.

Government sources spoke of strict measures this time accompanying the closure decision, which will be implemented on the ground by the security services and the army, and will be strict, unlike previous times, which witnessed a certain laxity. The procedures this time are completely different from what happened in the past, and the role of the army will be more effective this time..

The head of the Parliamentary Health Commission, MP Assem Araji, spoke today in a press interview on the statement issued by the Health Commission, which indicated that the Health, Labor and Social Affairs Commission and due to the exacerbation of injuries by the Corona epidemic in unprecedented figures, and given the intersection of medical information for multiple parties that indicate a catastrophic situation in most of the hospitals in the capital and the rest The regions, where the occupancy rate has increased by 95 % and continues to increase steadily, and after the hypothetical meeting, the committee proposed a three-week shutdown pending remediation of the situation, if the high number of injuries is reduced in some way, allowing a respite in the health sector , specifically the hospital sector, which is bearing its burden, either at the level of medical and nursing staff, or when receiving the injured, as well as the doctors who face even the escalation of the epidemic..

Araji added: “The Health Committee, aware of the economic setback that the closure can leave in the face of rampant unemployment, believes that this becomes a justification given the terrible situation of those affected by the epidemic in the high employment rate in all hospitals ”.

Araji saw that the recklessness of the people increases the number of wounded, noting that the field hospitals have begun to receive moderate cases, saying: “We have become like the Italian scene.” He stressed that the closure decision will have negative repercussions on the economy, but people’s health takes precedence over anything else, and we will not allow the country to become a country with health problems to preserve a collapsed economy..

In this context, the president of the Progressive Socialist Party, Walid Jumblatt, renewed the demand for resterilization of public places in Lebanese towns and cities, and this step has already been taken in the districts of Matn, Chouf, Aley, Iqlim, Rashaya and Hasbaya , and nothing prevents it from being adopted in all regions..

The head of the Private Hospital Owners Union, Suleiman Haroun, confirmed in a press interview that private hospitals that receive Corona patients no longer have the capacity to receive patients because all Corona beds are filled at a rate ranging from 98% and 100%, asking the injured not to go to these hospitals, especially in Beirut and Mount Lebanon. Noting the difficulty of the health situation and that no one expected the pressure on hospitals of this size, but the increase in injuries led to this result..

Harún said that the private hospitals that refrain from receiving the injured are very few and only for logistical reasons, and communication with them continues to solve this problem despite the difficulties related to the structure of these hospitals..

Beirut Government Hospital bacteriological doctor Professor Pierre Abi Hanna said that after Christmas the number of injured increased to 3,500 and, starting next week, we will witness New Year’s injuries, which will be the size of Christmas injuries or more, which means that the number of injured has reached The increase, as well as the number of deaths, indicates that the absorptive capacity of hospitals has become very low, and there is an inability to secure beds for the patients in hospitals, and people face daily torment to find a place for their patients, so the decision to close is necessary, because we cannot trust people to comply with preventive measures..

Abi Hanna added: “It is true that the economic situation is critical, but if the general shutdown is completed and the measures are strict, the number of injured will decrease in the coming weeks, because as of today we cannot continue in this approved way, so the situation in Lebanon is intolerable, and a complete closure is not a crime, as most countries are. The European Union closed, and in California the curfew was prohibited, and in Canada, it was prohibited to stay up late with relatives and family visits were prohibited “, considering that the strict application of preventive measures is the only way to reduce the infection even within the homes.
