Lebanon records 2,136 new Corona cases and 14 deaths



The Ministry of Public Health announced the registration of 2,136 new infections with the Coronavirus and 14 deaths during the last 24 hours, which indicates that the total number of HIV infections since February 21 has reached 168,069, while the total number of deaths is 1,367, while the number of recoveries amounts to 118,947.

In its daily report on the evolution of the epidemic, the Ministry pointed out that during the last 24 hours, 2,110 local cases and 26 imported cases were registered, which indicates that the number of laboratory tests is 15,655.

It also reported 1,070 hospitalizations, including 421 in intensive care and 140 cases that required artificial ventilation.

Acting Government Minister of Public Health Hamad Hassan announced in a statement on social media that “a case of the further increase in” COVID-19 “was recorded on the upcoming” ME 202 “trip. From London on December 21 “.

Hassan ordered UK expats, especially aboard the aforementioned flight, and their families to be vigilant and adhere to preventive guidelines, announcing that the ministry is following up on the case and those in contact.

Hassan said: ‘The person infected with the new emerging corona virus mutation was quarantined with their mother and we followed their health status and told everyone who was on the plane, or the rest of the UK planes and Europe, that preventive measures are binding on them and their families. ” .

And he declared that “we have taken direct measures to carry out controls at the airport of all countries, after the irruption of this boom, in addition to reexamining again after 3 to 5 days for those who come from the United Kingdom”, explaining that “the committee scientist made a recommendation to close navigation with the Kingdom. ” “It is mandatory for expatriates to stay in a hotel for 3 days, but the ministerial committee decides and is in charge of closing the navigation.”

Hassan explained that “the increase in the number of injuries and deaths after two weeks of the general closure showed that the closure gave positive results, but the high number of injuries combined with the decrease in the number of intensive care beds, has implications for the scientific committee, and we want the ministerial committee to make stricter decisions, and we as a ministry. ” We call on all citizens to take responsibility exactly as the State must take responsibility.
