Lebanon receives first batch of “Pfizer” vaccine


Lebanon receives the first batch of vaccine


Lebanon received the first batch of Pfizer vaccine

Lebanon received the first batch of the “Pfizer” vaccine last night, Saturday, aboard a Middle East Airlines plane from the Belgian capital, Brussels.

The Lebanese Minister of Health in the interim government, Hamad Hassan, said: “The Lebanese government was able to fulfill this dream despite all the challenges.”

And he added: “This dream has been fulfilled today with the support of all our international and international partners. If this indicates something, it indicates the credibility of the Ministry of Public Health and not my personal effort.”

He continued: “Today we are concerned by all residents of Lebanese lands, international missions, displaced Syrians, Palestinian refugees and all residents of all nationalities on Lebanese soil, and our strategy to combat the epidemic, as I said, depends on the international standards and world health and medical references “.

He added: “Within three weeks, we will be able to immunize them all, so this is a call to all citizens who hesitate to register their names (as part of the vaccination campaign program).”

The Russian Ambassador to Lebanon, Alexander Rudakov, announced ongoing talks with the Lebanese authorities on supplying the Russian vaccine “Sputnik V” to Lebanon.

He said: “There is good progress in terms of vaccines in Lebanon, and a related law has been adopted, by which the Lebanese government has allowed the importation and use of vaccines, including the Russian” Sputnik V “.

Source: “National News Agency” + RT
