Lebanon monitors around 3,000 new cases of coronavirus and the government decides to close it to limit the spread of the epidemic.


Faizan Hashmi

(UrduPoint Network۔ / Sputnik – January 4, 2021 A) The Lebanese authorities announced, on Monday, the complete closure of the country, from next Thursday until February 1 to face the outbreak of the new Corona virus “Covid-19 “, at a time when health authorities detected some 3,000 new cases of the virus.

Acting Government Health Minister Hamad Hassan said during a press conference following the meeting of the Ministerial Committee to Combat Coronavirus, that “the closure decision was made from Thursday morning to February 1 morning. “.

He added: “The stricter we were, the better, and the pace of hospitals was maintained, but we preferred to give citizens days to ensure their needs,” and pointed out that “it has become clear that the epidemiological challenge has reached a point that represents a threat to the lives of the Lebanese due to the inability of hospitals to secure beds. “


The Lebanese minister noted that the closure decision was made unanimously, and the interim prime minister, Hassan Diab, has participated in more than one meeting at more than one level to unify opinions with a decision.

On Monday, Lebanon registered 2,861 new cases of coronavirus, bringing the total number of infections to 192,139 cases, while 13 new deaths were monitored, bringing the total to 1,512 cases, according to a statement from the Ministry of Health.

Virus infections in the country recorded a big jump over the Christmas and New Year period, as the number of daily infections broke the 3,000 barrier.

And many countries in the world began to monitor notable increases in the rate of infection by the emerging Coronavirus, after the gradual lifting of precautionary measures, which led some of them to re-impose measures, albeit in a reduced way.

According to official statistics, the injured “Covid-19” around the world have exceeded the barrier of 85 million, of which more than one million and 850 thousand died, while more than 60 million recovered.
