Lebanon … Macron rushes in a message to Aoun to form the government and implement the roadmap to avoid collapse


4 hours ago

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Beirut – “Al-Quds Al-Arabi”: At a time when parliament meets on Friday afternoon to hear the message from President Michel Aoun, who directed the deputies to take the appropriate measures in relation to criminal control after the withdrawal of the company “Álvarez y Marsal” One eye remains on the government that is pending between lawsuits, ministerial appointments and unified standards. Frenchman Emmanuel Macron has the opportunity for Independence Day to send a message to the Lebanese president expressing concern about the current situation in Lebanon and urging the formation of a qualified and capable government.
Macron said: “France’s attachment, in particular, to the fraternal relations that unite our two countries and peoples, and attaches extreme importance to the independence and sovereignty of Lebanon. This country has always been an example of openness and freedom in the region. I had the opportunity to reiterate this issue during the two visits that I made in the summer after the explosion of August 4 ”. He said: “I am very concerned about the current situation in your country and I am aware of the increasing difficulties that Lebanese women and men face in their daily lives. Rely on the support of France to meet your urgent needs in the fields of food, health, education and housing. We are working, in cooperation with the United Nations and all our partners, to hold an international conference in support of the Lebanese people. However, all this is not enough, as the multifaceted crisis in Lebanon, at the various economic, financial, social and political levels, requires the adoption of strong measures. The solutions are known: the road map that all political parties committed to on September 1 must be put into practice, and that this road map responds to the demands of the sincere friends of Lebanon, as well as legitimate expectations. expressed by the Lebanese people. The mere implementation of this map will ensure the mobilization of the international community necessary to prevent the collapse of the country and help it adopt reforms that are inevitable for its resurgence.
Macron added: “Hurry, at this time, it requires the formation of a government of qualified personalities, who can be trusted and can implement all these measures. In this context, you, Excellency the President, have a special responsibility. Lebanon faces enormous options today and you, as an actor in its history, know it. What the Lebanese people demanded for almost a year in their uprising can still be achieved. And it is your duty as head of state to respond to it and urge all political forces to put aside their personal, sectarian and factional interests in order to achieve the supreme interest of Lebanon alone and the interest of the Lebanese people, and to ensure, Mr. President, that France is today, as in all moment, on the side of Lebanon and the Lebanese people.
Following the position of the Maronite patriarch, Cardinal Mar Bechara Boutros Al-Ra’i, who winked from the channel of Prime Minister-designate Saad Hariri in terms of forming a government “in installments”, Hezbollah’s party of deputies stopped in the government training contract and on the issue of criminal scrutiny, considering that “conditions in the country are deteriorating and the interests of the Lebanese war are reeling.” And the dissonance between the fight and the flight, to settle accounts that do not achieve their usefulness under a political system that encourages the distribution of spoils and interests among the sects and gains their consent, and gains its share of stability according to the continuation of the balance / arrangement between them.
The bloc, which met under the leadership of deputy Muhammad Raad, considered that “realism requires that everyone at this stage cooperate to form a government that addresses the current crises, taking into account the balances adopted in the country, because any breach that affect any representative team now it will exacerbate crises and generate obstacles and obstacles that are of no interest. He stressed that the delay in the formation of a government can cause serious damage to the country at all levels, which is why he calls for the need to move quickly in this direction and to benefit from any cooperation initiative to overcome the contract and overcome obstacles. ”. And he added, “With our commitment to the validity of the electoral law, the block is fully prepared to discuss proposals to better develop the electoral law and in a way that enhances the validity and effectiveness of the representation.” He highlighted “the need to carry out a criminal audit”, considering that “the message of the President of the Republic, General Michel Aoun in this regard to the Council, Parliament and the rush of President Nabih Berri to hold a public session to discuss this issue, two steps in accordance with constitutional principles, which the bloc hopes will lead to the implementation of criminal scrutiny.
Central ruler
Meanwhile, the governor of the Banque du Liban, Riad Salameh, denied the news of the agency “Reuters”, which claimed that the central bank is considering reducing the level of mandatory foreign exchange reserves to continue supporting basic imports next year. He stressed that “this news is unfounded.” That “any reduction in the mandatory reserve ratios, if any, would belong to the owners of the deposits in the Banque du Liban, who are the owners of the banks, and not for any other purpose.”
