Lebanon is worse than the Italian model | Phalanges


Rajana Diet wrote in the Al-Akhbar newspaper:

What the country has not been able to do since the outbreak of the epidemic last February to contain the Corona pandemic, there is not much optimism that it will achieve in the next two weeks before the virus escapes. With the casualty counter slipping away (around 2000 yesterday), Lebanon appears to be moving at a rapid pace towards a decline on the Italian stage … and perhaps worse.
Can the state do in two weeks of closure what it has not been able to do in nine whole months? Almost everyone has this question after making the decision to shut down completely for two weeks, especially from “people in the house” before ordinary people; They believe that what has not been achieved in the last nine months may not be applicable now, as people evade preventive measures and the incredible increase in the number of wounded and dead, which recorded 1922 wounded and 14 dead yesterday. As for the hospitalization desk, yesterday it registered 826 cases, including 300 in intensive care and 140 cases connected to respirators.
From here, there were not many optimists. Until the closure proves otherwise, they rely on an inventory of daily metro numbers to crystallize the nature of the scenario that Lebanon accepts, and that the head of the Department of Neurosurgery at the American University, Ghassan Skaf, considered “tragic”, as for his “heading toward something more dangerous than the Italian scene.” . Skaf based its forecasts on the daily injury schedules, based on the cumulative total number, through laboratory recoveries and the number of deaths and injuries in the health sector, to local positive test rates and the number of injured in hospitals. These indicators, according to Skaf, there is no balance between them, since the number of injured has reached 100,000, while the number of cured cases stabilizes at 50 thousand. In addition, the rapid spread of the virus has reached the point where the percentage of positive tests among residents exceeds 20 out of 100, “and this is a risk indicator, parallel to the danger that the death count will spread when exceeding the rate of ten infections per day “. Although the high death rate is considered natural compared to the number of injuries, the number of hospitalizations and those in intensive care, what does not bode well is the number of people on ventilators who lose their lives, which exceeded 60%.
And because these indicators have not yet changed so far, Skaf goes so far in his predictions that “the number of HIV infections will reach 200,000 by the end of this year and almost 2,000 deaths.” In a simple calculation, this means that “the number of wounded will reach three thousand wounded per day.” To avoid such a scenario, Skaf emphasizes the need to “develop an emergency plan by opening Arab and international funding channels, conducting a comprehensive survey of the regions and providing free PCR tests to all citizens.” The current reality also requires “establishing quarantine centers, applying the muzzle law, social distancing, and avoiding smoking hookah in public places.” Without this, nothing changes expectations. In this context, the Prime Minister of the resigned government, Hassan Diab, held an extended meeting with those interested in the follow-up of the Corona file, which discussed how to implement the closure decision, toughen procedures and monitor its implementation. The audience met to present a bill that stipulates that the penalty be increased for those who are not required to wear a muzzle, considering it a fault registered in the criminal record.
However, apart from those discussions that are still written on paper, what is remarkable is the list of “exceptions” that accompany the last week. A “long and wide” list, of which only one institution has been implemented, which made the decision to close a subject of criticism, and today’s research focuses on “what got us drunk”, especially because of previous experiences They showed that previous closings were just “prestige.” In this context, the head of the Parliamentary Health Commission, Dr. Assem Araji, expresses his concern that the decision is a repetition of the above, noting that “in the previous closures of villages, people were fleeing closed areas towards other areas, and there was no serious follow-up to this matter. ». Araji does not know how the decision and its exceptions were formulated, and can find no better comment than Ms. Fairuz’s song, “Taa la taji.” Or, more precisely, “our sugar and our sugar.”

Source: News
