Lebanon is losing a giant in media and advertising


Central-Time does not wait for anyone or anything. So is death. Black fate did not want to give science a chance to fight the Corona virus, as it tirelessly searched for a vaccine to end this epidemic that terrorized humanity and made it reconsider its calculations. Today, death decided to kidnap, under the guise of the Corona virus, the giant of the world of media and advertising in Lebanon, Ramzi Najjar, to pay Lebanon, once again, from its capacities, skills and distinguished men, the price of the global war against Corona, after a long struggle with the epidemic witnessed in the arena of the Rizk University Hospital in Ashrafieh. .

At a time when the deceased was famous for being one of the pioneers of what is known as “the science of political communication” and television commercials, he is also the producer of “Al-Mumayyoun”, one of the cultural programs most important, presented by the Lebanese Broadcasting Corporation at the beginning of the third millennium. However, he has a master’s degree in mass communication and a bachelor’s degree in comparative literature and education from the American University of Beirut. He then began his career as an academic professor, then entered the world of advertising and marketing, where he founded a private company in association with “Saatchi & Saatchi Company” in 1992 in Lebanon.

It is also known that Najjar (brother of television screenwriter and playwright Marawan Najjar) is the founder and managing director of the Strategic Communication Consulting Company “S2C” since 2002, and was the director of the “International Advertising Association” Branch of the Lebanon, and participated in the establishment of the Faculty of Advertising at the “Lebanese Academy of Fine Arts”. (Alba) and the University of Balamand.

A reference to the late author of several books, including “Think on Paper”, “Movement and Silence: Media and the Judiciary”, “Point of View and Travel: Media, Communication and the Arab Spring”, plus many studies and analyzes of the advertising industry.

Various political and media figures mourned the loss of the world of media, advertising and political communication, emphasized its advantages and viewed his departure as a great loss for Lebanon, a leader in media and advertising.

In context, Prime Minister-designate Saad Hariri tweeted: “With the departure of creative Ramzi Najjar, the Arab and Lebanese media lose a thinker, writer and author who has imprinted generations and institutions with his insightful vision and unique experience, and I lose a brother and a friend. I will miss him and miss his advice for a long time. .

Geagea: Farewell Najjar, Forces Party chief Samir Geagea wrote on Twitter to the deceased: “Thank you Ramzi Najjar for all the creativity, brilliance and beautiful image that was given to Lebanon. Thank you for your valuable advice for me personally. Bye. “

Siniora: President Fouad Siniora, journalist and thinker Ramzi Najjar, lamented in a statement that “Lebanon lost with the death of the distinguished, distinguished and courageous journalist Ramzi Najjar, his stature and great visionary and creative energy, and was a complete and embedded in brilliance, initiative and achievement. Ramzi, may God have mercy on him, was the birth. Unique and creative. I know him and have been friends for over three decades, during which time he was always proactive and zealous for supremacy of the idea of ​​the public interest in Lebanon, and desirous of protecting and preserving public liberties in Lebanon, and that he continues to be a unique model of coexistence and creativity, Media and advertising in Lebanon and the Arab world.

He considered it a shame that Lebanon is the homeland, which today is in the midst of an overwhelming and overwhelming crisis at all levels, in dire need of people like Ramzi, the thinker, innovator and persevering person who always generated hope from despair and frustration at all times.

Siniora concluded: “May God have mercy on you, Ramzi Najjar, for you were a creative energy and creative spirit, possessing positive attitudes, and you were eager to look forward with frankness, openness and great hope. We pray to God to give you the breadth of his mercy and to dwell in you in its breadth. We ask you to help your little family, and the same. His large Lebanese family has to endure this great affliction. “

Mikati: In turn, President Najib Mikati Najjar regretted, in a tweet on Twitter, where he wrote: “My friend Ramzi al-Najjar, your sudden departure hurt me and was a shock to all your lovers and friends. I met you very close to a loving friend who has extensive experience in the media and advertising field, and you will remain in our hearts. The sentiment of all workers in this field. ”

Sami Gemayel: For his part, the head of the Phalange Party, Sami Al-Jamil, addressed his “friend” Ramzi Najjar, writing on Twitter: “Bigger than independence, younger than Lebanon” This is how he describes the Phalanges Party . I believed in Lebanon and Beirut, “your ancient city … for the future” until the last breath. Thank you for your creativity my friend, thank you for your frankness, and thank you for your advice, which I will sincerely follow, I will miss your examples and your laughter that fill the place.

Nahas: Also, the deputy Nicolás Nahas Najjar regretted through his Twitter account, for which he wrote: “Death does not separate except loved ones, it deprives you of the warmth of friendship and the depth of counseling, it prevents you from the magic of communicating with those with whom you met affection. He took Ramzi Najjar, with whom we had a long way in many struggles. I will miss you so much. May God bless you and cover you in his embrace and my condolences to all the members of the family ”.

Atallah: Ibn Al-Koura, deputy George Atallah, mourned the deceased, who was also the son of Al-Koura. He wrote on Twitter: “With the departure of Professor Ramzi Najjar, Lebanon will lose, in addition to football, an exceptional cultural and media personality who has enriched the media and artistic community with his creativity and wealth of thought. Christ is risen.”

Abdel Samad: Also, the Minister of Information in the interim government, Manal Abdel Samad, tweeted and wrote: “The Corona virus was absent today from my friend Ramzi Najjar, one of the media and advertising giants in Lebanon and the world. When the great people come out, a great lighthouse will be extinguished and we have nothing left but Feelings of pain. ”

Chidiac: Regarding the former minister and media, May Chidiac, wrote on Twitter: “Ramzi Najjar is an educated man, a symbol of Lebanese creativity in the world of advertising and marketing. Your wisdom and breadth will be missed. of your culture, my friend, and the media will miss one of the creators of its glories. ” My condolences to your family and creative brother Marwan Carpenter and to our great family, the Lebanese media and the advertising family. “

Karam: For his part, former MP Fadi Karam lamented through his Twitter account, the writer and journalist Ramzi Najjar, so he addressed him: “With your departure, you miss Al-Koura and Lebanon as a thinker, writer and a researcher who left a huge mark on the world of Lebanese and Arab media and advertising. ” He attached his tweet with the hashtag # You will stay_in our hearts

Marawan Najjar: Television and playwright Marawan Najjar mourned his brother in a tweet on their Twitter account, writing: “My younger and older brother who is the ‘distinguished’ beautiful genius Ramzi. And happy news.
