“Lebanon is independent and will not be the front line in Iran’s confrontation.”


President Saad Hariri Hussein Al-Wajh’s media adviser confirmed, on his Twitter account, that “some Iranian officials insist on treating Lebanon as an Iranian boycott and are trying to involve the Lebanese people in the open wars of the Iranian regime with the international community “.

In a second tweet, Al-Wajh continued, “Lebanon has not been and will not be the front line in the confrontation over #Iran, and the Lebanese will pay no price for the Iranian regime.”

He concluded his tweet by saying that “Lebanon is an Arab country committed to the statutes of the Arab League and is sovereign, free and independent.”

Ali Hajizadeh said: “We teach at the front of the resistance to make fishing rods, instead of providing fish, and Lebanon and Gaza have the technology to make missiles,” noting that “the capabilities of the axis of resistance are no longer the same. that was ten years ago, and today the Palestinians launch missiles instead of launching stones. “

Zada pointed out that “there is an intersection of fire in the sky of Israel, between Syria, Lebanon and Palestine”, and stressed that “the Palestinians today have the technology to make precision missiles.”
