Lebanon is “drowning” … and questions about Aoun’s lack of investigation into the port explosion



It was said in “Al-Anbaa”:
Lebanon is sinking like a “Titanic”, and the most dangerous thing is that the Lebanese live in “a state of total denial”. Thus, the French Foreign Minister, Jean-Yves Le Drian, again warned of the depth of the crisis in Lebanon, who had previously said that Lebanon is under “danger from the periphery”, but the officials in charge of the government administration do not they turn a blind eye to them, and they persevere in failure and persist in taking over the country. All of them sink after drowning in their malicious policies of revenge and their interests that impoverished the state.

Faced with this unfortunate scene, there is no talk of a government, while the truth about the port explosion, those responsible and negligence was revealed, it became a matter of exposing a sanctuary here and an exception to a place there. As for the promised reforms, they turned into illusions.

Regarding government affairs, everyone is looking forward to French President Emmanuel Macron’s visit to Lebanon after nearly a week, in the hope that he can do something to help dissolve fabricated contracts that hinder government formation. Regarding the investigation of the port explosion, it seems that the facts point to the possibility of diluting the case after its introduction into the corridors of politics, which may push the judicial investigator, Judge Fadi Sawan, to consider the option of stepping aside according to the analysis reports that seem closer to logic, as the subject went in directions. It almost makes your mission impossible.

Wasat House circles said they rejected the accusation that they impeded the fact-finding mission, and spoke with “electronic news” about “a political malice practiced for some time against Islamic leaders, specifically against the second and third presidencies,” considering that “what has been leaked are the words attributed to President Michel. Aoun against Presidents Nabih Berri and Saad Hariri and the President of the Progressive Socialist Party, Walid Jumblatt, was right despite the denial of the Republican Palace.”

The circles added: “If this were not true, things would not have exploded at once, and their main objective is to disrupt the formation of the government and agglomerate the forces referred to in the circle of accusations by installing files to blind public opinion about what the leadership of the Free Patriotic Movement and some successive ministers have committed. Of embezzlement and brokerage that exceeded fifty billion dollars in the electricity sector alone. “

The deputy of the Future Bloc, Deputy Assem Araji, spoke to “electronic news” about “a clear targeting of the Free Patriotic Movement in the prime minister’s headquarters”, and asked “what prevents the judge of justice from going to the Republican Palace to inquire about the President of the Republic, who confirmed his knowledge of the presence of nitrates in the port fifteen years ago “. One day after the explosion? Why did the President of the Republic delay in ordering the security forces to deal with this matter before the disaster struck? And why this discretion in the work of the judiciary to investigate some people and leave others?

Araji pointed out “the existence of an archive facility room in the presidential palace that is administered by deputy Gebran Bassil and those around him,” considering that “it is illogical for Judge Sawan to claim the head of the interim government and leave the president of the republic that was aware of the presence of nitrates, but if it states that the material is 60 of the constitution it excludes accountability for a crime that killed 200 people and injured six thousand and destroyed a third of the capital, Beirut Sawan has the right to go to Baabda and ask the President of the Republic about these issues.

Araji considered that “the judicial judge could have acted as the international investigator Detlev Mehlis did when he questioned President Emile Lahoud in the case of the murder of the martyr Prime Minister Rafik Hariri.”

As Diab was moving home, where he continues to do business from there, legal references to “electronic news” confirmed the impossibility of Judge Sawan going to the defendant’s home even if he was prime minister, “because the transfer of a judge to the house of a defendant is something, and his transfer to the government palace is something. ” Another, the critic considered, “Diab’s move into her home for security reasons is a lame excuse.”

The legal references ruled out the occurrence of coordination between Diab and the three ministers against whom judicial assignments were issued, and considered that each of them will defend himself in the manner he deems appropriate, considering that the issue of Minister Youssef Fenianos differs from the issue of the two ministers Ali Hassan Khalil and Ghazi Zuaiter, “since the former has no immunity.” In Parliament, and his appearance before the judicial judge may embarrass the head of the Marada Movement, Suleiman Franjieh, especially after the US sanctions against him, and Franjieh, future candidate for the presidency, and if Fenianus refuses to appear, this It may lead to the resignation of the judicial judge in case there are obstacles that prevent him from continuing the investigation, and his resignation will have Important repercussions of mistrust in the investigation, which strengthens the demand for international investigation, and its withdrawal will plunge the country in a great disorder and therefore in a major crisis, and a major crisis that is an institutional crisis.

Meanwhile, the health situation remains unchanged, and the Minister of the Interior issued amendments to the general mobilization decision based on the recommendations of the Ministerial Committee, at a time when Deputy Assem Araji, in his capacity as head of the Committee Parliamentary Health, expects an increase in the number of injured Corona during the holidays, and that next month will be catastrophic. The number increases regardless of preventive measures. Araji reiterated his demand that the Lebanese not be taken lightly to preserve their safety.
