Lebanon is at a fateful crossroads and desperately needs more support from the international community


The President of the Republic, General Michel Aoun, highlighted in a speech through video technology during the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development: “This conference is the first of the action plan for the next ten years with the in order to achieve the 17 development goals. Sustainable development by 2030, that Lebanon renews its commitment to work to achieve it, despite the difficult conditions it is going through. “

Aoun said: “Our world today faces great challenges that are directly reflected in all countries, and Lebanon has had a large part of them, and has suffered successive shocks; from the Syrian displacement crisis that has lasted ten years to a severe one. economic, financial and monetary crisis as a result of decades of accumulation of corruption “. Mismanagement, “pointing out that” in the midst of our fight against the Covid-19 epidemic, Lebanon was traumatized by the Beirut port explosion that struck the heart of the capital and resulted in human casualties, great material losses and enormous negative effects. that will not exacerbate the recession in economic activity. Not only, but it will also lead to increased poverty rates. “

Aoun thanked “fellow and friendly countries and international institutions that have graciously stepped in to support Lebanon and provide immediate humanitarian assistance, and I note that all the enormous challenges we face have affected the course of priority setting.”

Aoun continued: “First, we must work on a rapid response to address the most urgent crises, and that is part of the principle demanded by the UN agenda, which is ‘leave no one behind’, that is, deliver aid to the groups most in need and impoverished and marginalized and affected segments Second, the repair of almost 200,000 homes that were damaged and completely destroyed, causing the displacement of 300,000 citizens, especially as we approach the winter season.

He added: “Thirdly, we must rebuild the port of Beirut, the vital artery of the Lebanese economy, and address the serious damage inflicted on all sectors: health, education, food, construction, tourism”, emphasizing that “Lebanon You are at a fateful crossroads between your ambition to achieve the sustainable development goals and your economic, financial, monetary and social crisis, and you need much more support from the international community and United Nations organizations to help you overcome the circumstances of emergency “.
