Lebanon is approaching the European stage. What is happening in the hospitals?


Rajana Hammeh wrote in the newspaper “Al-Akhbar” under the headline “1175 new infections: Lebanon approaches the European stage | Hospitals and supply companies exploit the crisis?”: “Private hospitals insist on treating those infected with coronavirus based on profit and loss accounts, since they link their participation in the confrontation. Government hospitals, alone, are involved in how much will be “gained” from the “season.” And since it has not been profitable for them to enter in that adventure, they preferred to distance themselves from the confrontation in a country that is “in a race with the epidemic,” according to a health minister Hamad Hassan said yesterday.

Once again, private hospitals advance their greed about the health of citizens, and this was evidenced yesterday during the extended meeting held by the Parliamentary Health Commission, which lasted for about four hours, during which the commission did not “obtain “No commitment from hospital owners, except for the” transfer “round of the dollar crisis. Although the Ministry of Health signed, a week ago, an agreement with the hospitals, which stipulated an increase in the rates of preventive allowances, so that 400,000 lira would be added to the worker allowances for each patient in the care rooms intensive care units and 200,000 lire in regular rooms, the hospitals did not fulfill their promise to increase the number of beds in extreme care rooms. Until now, first-line hospitalizations remain timid; Of 130 private hospitals, only 15 receive Corona patients, compared to 15 government hospitals out of 33. In this context, the Minister of Health called on private hospitals to get more involved, because they are “better able to provide the necessary equipment, especially in the intensive care rooms “.

Health did not cut its “hair” on hospitals, as the Ministry of Finance did, as the Minister of Finance, Ghazi Wazni, promised hospitals to pay the bill for Corona patients on a monthly basis, as long as this was spent with funds allocated to World Bank hospitals, estimated at $ 39 million, under the supervision of the World Health Organization.

As with private hospitals, this is the case for importers of medical supplies and equipment, and even medicines. The same logic applies to those who recently declared “disobedience” by stopping the delivery of supplies and medical equipment, except in critical cases, under the pretext of the crisis of bank transfers, although the figures that circulated in the session indicated otherwise, which is what Araji and Minister Hassan said. According to the revised figures, the Banque du Liban has transferred “to date, the value of $ 125 million for medical supplies”, which means that they “have stock … sufficient until the end of the year.”

And he continued: “At a time when the Corona metro continues to rise, registering 1,175 wounded and eight dead yesterday, there were isolated towns that carelessly attended to the decisions of the Ministries of the Interior, Municipalities and Health. This was evidenced by the weakness of commitment in some places. Reports from the Ministry of Health teams brought up this issue, noting. Due to the variation in the commitment with the closing, which was around 70%.

In addition, there is another fear that grows day by day, and it is evidenced in the daily figures recorded by the Corona meter in the health sector, since yesterday it registered 9 new injuries among workers in this sector, raising the figure to 1,087. It’s a staggering number, especially since the numbers working on the front lines are not enough, so how is the case with recorded daily injuries?

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