Lebanon … Hariri discusses with Macron the difficulties of forming a government


The French presidency did not put the dinner that brought Hariri and Macron together on the public agenda, making the meeting private, and officials previously declined to comment on whether the two men would meet.

Lebanese Prime Minister-designate Saad Hariri announced that he discussed with French President Emmanuel Macron on Wednesday the difficulties of forming the government and possible ways to solve it, and also discussed international support for Lebanon as soon as a government capable of carry out reforms, hoping to stop the economic collapse.

And Hariri’s personal Twitter page said he discussed with Macron, during their meeting at the Elysee Palace on Wednesday, the internal Lebanese difficulties facing the formation of the government and possible ways to overcome them.

He added that the talks were about the efforts of France and its president to prepare international support for Lebanon, as soon as a government capable of carrying out the necessary reforms is formed, to stop the economic collapse and rebuild what was destroyed in Beirut. due to the port explosion last August.

The French presidency did not put the dinner that brought Hariri and Macron together on the public agenda, making the meeting private, and officials declined to comment earlier on whether the two men would meet.

Days after the port explosion, Macron launched a strictly worded initiative to form a technocratic government and carry out administrative and banking reforms, but political differences have so far prevented the formation of a government to succeed the current interim government headed by Hassan. Diab.

French officials said Paris did not initially want Hariri to take office after it had previously failed to implement reforms, but in light of the lack of progress in forming a credible government, Macron did not object to the nomination.

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