Lebanon can meet a third of its electricity needs from renewable energy … “Saves $ 249 million a year”


Habib Maalouf wrote in the newspaper “Al-Akhbar” under the title “Renewable energy Electricity: Lebanon can meet a third of its needs”: The energy sector (and electricity) is the most prominent “generator” of the economic crisis and the environmental disaster in Lebanon. This sector is the largest “channel” of waste and the main cause of the budget deficit and increased debt, as well as being the main cause of air pollution and related deaths. Population growth and increased demand for energy, on the one hand, and the failure to design a strategy for rationalization and dependence on renewable resources, led to one result: increased demand, use, deficits and indebtedness …

Lebanon is capable of generating around a third (30 percent) of its energy needs, ten times more than it currently produces, from renewable sources, according to a recent study by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA).
Renewable energy technologies have the advantage of providing stable, clean and fully localized energy systems. In light of the economic-financial crisis and the outbreak of the Coronavirus, it is assumed that renewable energy sources will become an important part of recovery plans in a semi-fruited country.

The demand for energy in Lebanon is known to exceed current generation capacity. While private producers (private generators) are helping to bridge the gap, they are dangerously increasing costs and air pollution rates at the same time. Note that the cost increases include the state treasury, consumers and the Lebanese Electricity Corporation, without having managed to provide stability in obtaining energy!
All this did not lead to the initiation of changes in plans and adoption of renewable, clean and more sustainable sources, despite the development of a strategy to diversify energy sources approximately a decade ago. This strategy was defined in two updates to the main electricity reform document: the first update in 2010 led to the development of the National Energy Efficiency Action Plan (NEEAP) in 2011 and the National Renewable Energy Action Plan (NREAP) for the period 2016-2020. The second update produced a “National Action Plan for Energy Efficiency” for the period between 2016 and 2020. These plans were based on studies confirming the availability of renewable energy sources and the possibility of their deployment, together with related measures. with energy efficiency, to cover 12% of consumption for electricity generation and heating in 2020 … However, all this did not translate into serious steps in the direction of production from renewable sources.
In 2018, a new target was set to reach 30% of total primary energy consumption (demand for electricity and heating) by 2030 from renewable energy sources. To date, the total installed renewable energy capacity is 350 megawatts, of which 286 megawatts come from (old) hydroelectric sources, 7 megawatts from the Naameh landfill and 56.37 megawatts from solar energy. This means that there has been no significant progress, even though all studies confirm that Lebanon has extensive renewable energy resources that can be used, including solar and wind power.

The Lebanese Center for Energy Conservation has prepared an action plan to guide the development of these resources. The National Initiative for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energies (NEEREA) was established in cooperation with the Banque du Liban, which facilitated the provision of low-interest loans for renewable energy projects, and since March 2019 more than 938 have been financed projects under this scheme. Regarding megaprojects, Lebanon signed the first agreement for the purchase of electrical energy from renewable energy sources in 2018, with a total power of 226 megawatts … However, despite all that, these plans failed due to several factors, including the political, legal and institutional framework that governs large projects, Lack of knowledge of the support plans, as mentioned in the “Evaluation of the preparation of renewable energy resources” carried out by the Agency Renewable Energy International in cooperation with the Ministry of Energy and Water and the Lebanese Energy Center. The study identified the political, organizational and financial challenges to achieve the goals set for 2030. It proposed a methodology to evaluate the availability of renewable energy sources, as well as to evaluate costs, investment needs and impacts on external aspects related to air pollution and environmental. He stressed that Lebanon has the potential to provide 30% of the electricity mix from renewable energy sources by 2030. This means doubling the share of renewable energy expected from current plans and policies, and achieving a 10-fold increase from the 3% recorded in 2014 (the base year for this analysis). ). Renewable energy could provide around 10% of Lebanon’s total final energy supply by 2030, down from less than 1% in 2014.
Due to the lower costs of renewable energy technologies, their adoption could result in energy savings of $ 249 million a year, not to mention reducing the external costs of air pollution and carbon dioxide emissions. To reduce costs and emissions, the adoption of renewables offers broader social and economic advantages, and other benefits such as creating new jobs and markets, pumping cash flows and improving energy security through diversification of your sources. However, success in achieving all of this requires important adjustments in strategies, policies, regulation, technology, infrastructure and financing mechanisms … knowing that the current framework does not fully take into account the rapid economic and technological changes that occur at the level. national and regional. The assessment concludes that many important challenges must be addressed to overcome the current energy crisis, create a stable legislative and regulatory framework and enforce laws, establish the Electricity Regulatory Authority, grant licenses for the use of generators, define powers and roles among the various institutions and related entities, simplify administrative procedures and strengthen transmission networks. Stop technical waste and develop storage systems …
Will the new government take these data and recommendations to develop capacities and make use of the clean and sustainable energies available, such as sun and air? Or will the bet remain only in the exploration of oil and gas, which alone occupy the political and economic mind that controls the country?
