Lebanon between tightening procedures and a dangerous epidemic explosion


Al-Gomhoria wrote: JCorona’s obsession has intensified 24 hours a day, as Lebanon enters the stage of a social outbreak of this malicious epidemic, in a way that it is no longer possible to reach and contain. This exacerbates the risks this issue poses to the lives of Lebanese..

At a time when the contagion counters in this epidemic began to approach the threshold of 1,500 injuries per day, which is the natural result of a state of total recklessness, without any control, dozens of Lebanese regions, towns and villages are within reach. about to be affected by the worsening of the epidemic in them and the appearance of hundreds of cases, which prompted the Ministry of the Interior. Issue a schedule in these areas, close them and isolate them completely, as a precaution, which may lead to contain the virus and reduce the number of increasing cases.

Although sources from the Ministry of the Interior confirmed to the “Republic” that strict instructions have been given to the security services to strictly implement the new measures, sources from the Ministry of Health warned of what they called a dangerous epidemic explosion if the public It continued to be lax in the face of this pandemic, and not taking into account the preventive measures required of them, either out of total commitment. With the muzzle, spacing and without mixing, to preserve your safety and the safety of your society..

Faced with a question about whether there is a tendency to close again, the sources pointed out that any measure that can contribute to containing the epidemic must be taken of any kind, but what is important above all is the response of the public to the measures and their commitment.

Source: The Republic
