Lebanon: additional measures with arrivals from Great Britain



On Monday, in a radio interview, Hassan said that the main topic at today’s scientific committee meeting will be the new strain of the Corona virus, and the additional precautionary measures to be taken with arrivals from or through the UK, totaling some two hundred arrivals per day, which will likely be re-examined.pcr ـ These people to track them down and determine if a mandatory quarantine is necessary..

The Minister of Health noted that the closure measures taken by European countries require taking the issue seriously, adding that “recent scientific data indicates that the effectiveness of the Pfizer vaccine continues and protects against the new strain of Corona, which is keeps closer to a mutation and a mild transformation that did not affect thePCR There is no confirmation yet that it is more lethal, “hoping that” new changes in the composition of the virus will not lead to an increase in the death rate..

Hassan pointed out that one of the characteristics of the virus is that it changes and spreads, and we may not be able to prevent the arrival of the new strain in Lebanon, similar to what will happen in several countries around the world, and emphasized that preventive behavior continues being the main factor to maintain security..

Regarding the possibility of returning to the general closure, the Minister of Health confirmed that in the event that intensive care beds in hospitals are full, the Ministry of Public Health will not hesitate to propose a recommendation for this closure, and the matter depends of what data is recorded after the holidays..

He stressed that the Pfizer vaccine will arrive from the company to the Ministry of Public Health without a third party and without intermediation, aiming to wait for the opinion of the Legislation and Consultation Authority to determine the party authorized to sign the contract with the company before the resignation of the government. As for the money, it is insured, and the first payment will be transferred to the company on December 27 after the Ministry of Finance transferred the amount to the Ministry of Public Health..

He reiterated that “Lebanon will receive the vaccine in mid-February, when it is assumed that around fifteen to twenty percent of the people have formed community immunity, while the Pfizer vaccine will provide immunity to fifteen percent, and the vaccines that will arrive via Kovacs to twenty percent the next day. ” That the private sector takes vaccines to ten or fifteen percent of the population, which will mean vaccinating seventy percent of citizens, which will provide the required immunity for society..
