Lebanon: 1960 coronavirus cases, 14 deaths



The Ministry of Public Health reported that 1960 cases of Coronavirus and 14 deaths were registered during the last 24 hours, which indicates that the number of local infections that were registered reached 1932, while the number of imported cases is 28.

In its daily report on the evolution of Corona, the Ministry indicated that the total number of infections in the country since the virus began to spread on February 21 is 152,893, and the accumulated number of deaths since that date is 1,248, and noted that the number of hospitalizations during the last 24 hours is 995, including 406. The cases are in intensive care and 139 cases require artificial respiration. As for the cumulative number of recoveries, it is 106,705.

As confirmed by the Minister of Public Health, Hamad Hassan, during the inauguration of the Corona department at the Othman Hospital in Ketermaya – Al-Kharroub region, in the presence of MPs Bilal Abdullah and Muhammad Al-Hajjar, Parenthesis or less of the signature of the final contract with the company, and we, as the Ministry of Health, overcome all obstacles, and also the Prime Minister, the Minister of Finance and the President of the Republic gave the “Green to End” to continue with the contract, and We receive the approval of all interested parties. Thus, we ease all the logistical, administrative and bureaucratic obstacles, and we are only waiting for the Pfizer contract to arrive in Washington to sign the contract. The final decision, and on it we both signed “.

He pointed out that “there are two theories in the world, the vaccine and the immunity acquired by infection, which constitutes a high percentage in societies, and there will be 20% of immunity acquired as a consequence of infection by the virus, and we also ensure the 39 % of the vaccine, as to enter the debate. ” About those who are for and against the whole world, we are not concerned. We are taking the safe and approved vaccine, and our society will not be a testing ground. “
