Lebanese Republic – Ministry of Information – The official website for tracking news about coronavirus in Lebanon


The chairman of the Disaster Management Committee of the Tripoli Municipal Council, Ing. Jamil Jablawi, held a press conference in which he spoke about the developments in the spread of the Corona virus, in the Disaster Management Operations Room – Crisis Cell at King Fahd Park in Tripoli, in the presence of Deputy Mayor, Engineer Khaled Al-Wali and Councilor Ahmed Al-Badawi and representatives of the media.

Jablawi spoke about “the performance of the Ministry of Health in the Tripoli district and the measures it must take to deal with the Corona outbreak in it”, and said: “The mobilization strategy adopted by the National Chamber and the Ministries of the Interior and Health at the beginning of the crisis contributed to limit the speed of the epidemic. This strategy gave enough time. Finally, at the national level, the result of the examinations of the residents of every 100 PCR tests 6.5 is a positive result, which was 0.05 at the beginning of the crisis, and the source is the daily report issued by the National Chamber of Operations for Disaster Management, which means that in the Tripoli district Of 600,000 people, an estimated 39,000 are infected with Crown.

He added: “The results of the contact examination in the Tripoli district out of every 100 tests are about 25 positive results. The source is the epidemiological surveillance team of the Ministry of Health in Tripoli.”
After calculating an estimate of the number of people who had contact with the 39 thousand injured and the rate of 25%, we find that the number of injured in the Tripoli district is in the tens of thousands. Based on the above, we have entered the stage of a social epidemic and are moving rapidly towards what is known as herd immunity, in light of the lack of commitment of a large number of our people in Tripoli to preventive measures. .

He said: “I regret that despite this reality, the Ministry of Health did not take care of the city of Tripoli in proportion to the size of the city and the level of the Corona epidemic in it, so its support to face the epidemic of Corona in Tripoli is still shy and does not go beyond raising a reproach. In the last visit of the Minister of Health). In the interim government) Dr. Hamad Hassan to the Tripoli Brigades provided 10 thousand masks to distribute in Tripoli , as if Tripoli were a small town. We find it difficult to find a family for Corona patients who have severe symptoms. An example of this is a seventy patient with Corona and severe symptoms 5 days stay at home, they did not assure him a bed even though its temperature was 40 degrees. So far, there are 32 beds available for the entire district of Tripoli. Respirators are less than the number of fingers allocated to the crown. “

He added: “His Excellency the Minister, the quantities of KITs available for PCR tests for Tripoli are very few points in Bahr Al-Hajjah, less than 1000 per month. The PCR test devices of the Ministry of Health serve Tripoli and to the neighborhood only 2, one of whom is not a pump. Corona patients in Tripoli pay 10%. The cost of hospitalization. Plans to contain Corona’s epidemic have become useless to remember. The epidemic has been become a social epidemic in Lebanon and we are rapidly entering so-called herd immunity.
The dangerous thing is that this is done with the cold and the seasonal cold and the immune weakness that accompanies it. “

He stressed that “readiness is now measured by the number of hospital beds, intensive care rooms, medical equipment, PCR examination, medical and nursing staff, and the number of quarantine places.”
And asking the Minister of Health to “ensure the preparation at the minimum level to face the repercussions of herd immunity in the Tripoli district through at least 1000 hospital beds, assigned to Corona patients as a first stage, 100 care rooms for Corona as a first stage, transforming the entire Tripoli Government Hospital into a medical center for the treatment of Corona patients, With the exception of the obstetrics department and the neonatal care department, and their support with the medical and nursing staff, the necessary medical equipment, medical supplies, etc. Approve other support hospital centers in the Tripoli district in coordination with private hospital administrations, this will ensure less than 170 beds Establishment of one field hospital or more to prepare for immunity This is at the Rashid Karami International Exhibition with a capacity of 830 beds and 70 care rooms. n.Increase hotel quarantine capacity from exposure to 350 patients Prepare to use Rashid Karami International Expo to quarantine large numbers in case of rapid spread of virus Ministry of Health insurance KIT used to test for the virus. A minimum of 5,000 PCR per month, subject to increase An additional device to test PCR and an Extractor for the Laboratory of Environmental and Health Microbiology, Faculty of Public Health, University of Lubna Intent in Tripoli. An additional device to examine PCR and an Extractor device for the government hospital in Tripoli, and the speed in issuing the results is an essential part of the plan to face the spread of the Corona pandemic.

He concluded: “The aforementioned is the minimum and as a first stage. It was based on a reality study conducted by several medical specialists from the Disaster Management Committee, the Crisis Cell in Tripoli and the Crisis Cell in the Tripoli District. Previously, the Governor’s Disaster Management Committee was presented to the Ministry of Health. If this is not ensured, the Tripoli district will be exposed to this great spread of the COVID 19 epidemic.
