Lebanese presidency denies that Aoun was infected with the Corona virus


Lebanese presidency denies that Aoun has been infected with the Corona virus


Today, Thursday, the Lebanese presidency denied the news that was circulating about the infection of the President of the Republic, Michel Aoun, with the Corona virus.

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The Information Office of the Presidency of the Republic said that “the rumors spread by some that President Aoun has been infected by the Crown epidemic are unfounded,” highlighting that the president is well and continues with his activities and contacts as usual.

The head of the Free Patriotic Movement, former Lebanese Foreign Minister Gebran Bassil, who is Aoun’s son-in-law, announced earlier this week that he had contracted the coronavirus.

Lebanese media reported today that he was admitted to the “Hotel Dieu” hospital in the capital, Beirut, for treatment after an attack of shortness of breath due to symptoms of the “Covid-19” infection.

Meanwhile, the Lebanese Ministry of Health announced today the registration of 1,248 new cases of coronavirus, as the total number of infections in the country reached 40,868.

Source: RT
