Lebanese newspaper headlines for Thursday, February 25, 2021 …


Lebanese newspaper headlines of Thursday, February 25, 2021

Medical Association: a “tax” on patients!
Partial parliamentary elections in April?
Hariri prepares for “revenge”: no sacrifices after today
Riyadh pleads with Israel: our eyes are on Biden!

White House Orders Release of Khashoggi’s Investigations … and Sanctions Questions Against “bin Salman”
US State Department Reports Approval, and Iran Is Waiting … A European Call For A Joint Meeting
Vaccine site: Minister of Health declares responsibility … World Bank will not freeze … and Al-Farzli attacks

The Republic
Chances of understanding diminish and chaos advances
Postponement of interrogation irritates the street

Major General
The “electricity plot” moves Beirut Street … and the Pact is seeking compensation for authorship
Christian crowds on the Bkerke line before Saturday … Hassan advocates that deputies be rewarded with vaccinations!

Day time
Bkerke’s support is expanding and the authority is reeling with its scandal

The “veto” war between Hariri and Bassil freezes author efforts and closes the doors to solutions
Bkerke Visitors: The conference is out of the seventh item … and information on “indirect contact” with Hezbollah
The vaccination plan must be “stricter” … and the World Bank is withdrawing and continues to finance

Call home
The “movement” visits the pastor today to “blame him” after stabbing him in the back at the Vatican
The “Forces” at Bkerke: The Authority has lost its legitimacy

Source: Lebanese newspapers
