Lebanese Interior Minister: The country is exposed to all possibilities, not just assassinations


Lebanese Interior Minister: The country is exposed to all possibilities, not just assassinations


The Minister of the Interior of the Lebanese Provisional Government, Mohamed Fahmy

Lebanese Interior Minister in the interim government, Mohamed Fahmy, declared that the security situation in Lebanon “has vanished” and the country “is exposed to all possibilities, not just assassinations.”

In an interview with the TalkOn program, broadcast by the Lebanese radio VDL News and LebanonOn and Voice of All Lebanon, on Wednesday, the minister said: “There is a state of chaos throughout the Lebanese territory due to the differences between sectarian and sectarian and political parties, which caused the disappearance of all the systems: “Economic, security, financial, social, health and cultural”.

And he considered that “the security forces are being exhausted day by day and we have reached the bottom. We are incapable of implementing 90% of our tasks to protect the homeland and citizenship, in addition our mechanisms that we describe are disabled and valuable.” of the salaries of the security forces has decreased significantly. “

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He noted that “the security situation today has completely disappeared and the country is exposed to all possibilities, not only to assassinations.”

The minister expressed his opinion that “the solution begins with the formation of a salvation government for what remains of this country, and the constitution does not allow President (Prime Minister) Hassan Diab to retire,” adding that “it is Natural today that we are unable to fully control security in light of this chaos, especially as the Lebanese parties. “He was not able to develop a national plan to save what is left of the homeland.”

Regarding his assumption of the post of Minister of the Interior, Fahmy said: “I do not regret my appointment as Minister of the Interior in this difficult and sensitive circumstance, and we must assume our responsibilities after the tragedy that affected Lebanon, be it the pandemic of Corona or if the explosion of the port of Beirut “.

Source: VDL News
