Learn the most common facial expressions in emotional situations.


Learn the most common facial expressions in emotional situations.

Scientists have shown that all humans use different forms of the same facial expressions in similar social contexts, supporting Charles Darwin’s theory of expressing feelings as universal.

New historical research conducted by the University of California affirms the universality of human emotional expression across geographic and cultural boundaries. Professor Dacher Keltner, a psychologist at the University of California at Berkeley and a co-author of the study, said: “This study reveals how remarkably similar people are in different corners of the world in the way they express emotions in the face of the most important contexts of our lives “.

And researchers at the University of California, Berkeley and Google have used a machine learning artificial intelligence (AI) technique known as a “deep neural network.”

This made it possible to analyze facial expressions in almost 6 million videos, uploaded to YouTube from 144 countries.

Dr Alan Quinn, a researcher at the University of California at Berkeley and Google, who helped develop the AI ​​algorithm, said: “This is the first comprehensive analysis of how facial expressions are used in everyday life and shows us that universal human emotional expressions are many. Than many scholars previously assumed. “

Dr. Coyne created an interactive map to illustrate how the algorithm tracks differences in facial expressions commonly associated with 16 emotions.

Applications of advanced artificial intelligence technology include helping people with emotion reading difficulties, such as children and people with autism, to recognize the faces humans often make to express certain feelings.

The researchers also hope their work will help foster cross-cultural empathy.

A typical human face contains 43 different muscles, which can be activated to create thousands of different expressions.

Dr. Quinn’s machine learning algorithm was first used to track facial expressions shown in six million videos. These ranged from spectators to fireworks and dancing to comforting a disturbed child.

They used the algorithm to track examples of 16 facial expressions commonly associated with the following emotions: amusement, anger, terror, concentration, confusion, contempt, satisfaction, desire, disappointment, doubt, euphoria, interest, pain, sadness, surprise, and victory.

Then, they reviewed facial expressions with contexts and scenarios performed in different regions of the world.

This led to the discovery of incredible similarities in how people across geographic and cultural boundaries use facial expressions in different social contexts.

“We found that nuances of facial behavior, including the subtle expressions we associate with amazement, grief, triumph and 13 other emotions, are used in similar social situations around the world,” said Dr. Quinn.

YouTube images revealed that people around the world tend to stare in awe during fireworks displays, show satisfaction at weddings, and tighten their eyebrows when performing martial arts.

They also show their distrust of protests, pain in training sessions, and triumph by attending parties and soccer games.

The results revealed that people from different cultures share approximately 70% of the facial expressions used in response to different social and emotional situations.

Professor Keltner said: “This supports Darwin’s theory that the expression of emotions on our faces is a universal matter among humans. The physical presentation of our feelings can define who we are as a species, improve our communication and cooperation skills, and ensure our survival. “
