Large Internet companies face a test of social benefit |


San Francisco – The big internet groups “Amazon”, “Alphabet” (Google) and “Facebook” again posted huge gains in the last quarter of this year, despite political pressure and the Covid-19 epidemic, but these thousands of millions and investments do not necessarily serve your interests in front of the officials who ask to Dismantle it.

Sales of “Amazon,” the biggest winner from the isolation measures, rose 37 percent to more than $ 96 billion in the third quarter of the year, but that did not arouse enthusiasm on the New York Stock Exchange, which expected better performance, and the group’s shares fell 1.87 percent on Thursday.

And “Amazon”, which is based in Seattle, announced that it has created 400 thousand jobs since the beginning of the year in all parts of the world, and also noted that it “plans to invest billions of dollars to help small and medium-sized companies. companies to succeed “in their popular market.

These groups are subject to numerous investigations into their alleged anti-competitive practices. Wedbush Securities’ Daniel Eve recently said: “What is ironic is that the strong performance results will reveal its undue strength and ultimately fuel enthusiasm for its dismantling in Washington.”

Alphabet and Facebook also posted huge profits. Alphabet’s sales value reached $ 46.2 billion, an increase of 14 percent, and achieved profits of $ 11.2 billion.

The social network “Facebook” achieved net profits of $ 7.85 billion, an increase of 29 percent from the previous quarter, despite being boycotted by many major companies such as “Adidas” and “Coca-Cola”, in response to calls from non-governmental organizations concerned about the spread of incitement to violence. Or hate.

Facebook needs new regulations on the personal suitability of ads that are at the core of its economic model

Although “Facebook” lost fewer users in the United States and Canada this summer compared to spring, more than 2.5 billion people worldwide are contacting at least one of its four applications (Facebook, Messenger, Instagram and WhatsApp), an increase 15 percent over last year.

Mark Zuckerberg, founder of the network, spoke about some one hundred billion messages sent every day through WhatsApp, highlighting at the same time that he faces “intense competition in all fields”.

The US Department of Justice and 11 US states have filed an indictment against the Alphabet group for exploiting its dominant position, but it looks like the battle will be long.

“We believe that our products bring great benefits and we will promote them, but most of our energy remains focused on our users and on making great products,” group president Sundar Pichai told analysts at a conference.

Tech companies have benefited from the health crisis, which has made their services more important in everyday life. He constantly reminds himself that the situation would have been more difficult without his tools, much of which is provided free of charge to the public.

Most of the testing is against Facebook, as Zuckerberg and his counterparts in the other two groups took on “Twitter” and “Google” (YouTube). US senators angry at his power and influence.

Days before the November 3 elections in the United States, there were the coups against the heads of technology groups that the right accused of “censoring” and the left of indulging in content.

Zuckerberg admitted Thursday that “next week will be a test for Facebook” to avoid using the platform again in disinformation campaigns, as it happened in 2016.

Faced with attacks by the authorities for respect for privacy, the site recognized the “need for new regulations on the personal suitability of advertising” that are the axis of its economic model.

But he also said he is concerned that “some of the proposals, especially in Europe, and the measures that companies like Apple are planning could have negative effects on small and medium-sized businesses and the economic recovery in 2021.”
